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Assistant Professor

Electrical Engineering Department

San Jose State University


Office: Engineering E359

Telephone: (408) 924 3913

Fax:  (408)924-3925




Biography: Birsen Sirkeci-Mergen joined San Jose State University (SJSU) in 2007 as an assistant professor in the department of electrical engineering. Prior to joining SJSU, she was a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley, CA. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 2006. Her research lies in the areas of wireless communications, sensor networks and statistical signal processing. She received the Fred Ellersick Award for the best unclassified paper in MILCOM 2005 with her co-authors.



         I AM LOOKING FOR MASTER THESIS/PROJECT STUDENTS.�� If you areinterested, send me an email (including your background briefly and courses you have takenat SJSU (attach your unofficialtranscript)).


        The website is being updated � some links may not work.




PUBLICATIONS���������������� COURSES��������������� WCNG @SJSU������ EESP @SJSU����































