Datasets for teaching
- %ideal.sav (Body weight expressed
as a percentage of ideal; Saudek et al., 1989; Pagano & Gauvreau, 1993, p.
afvillage.sav (Sprayable surface area in an
African village; Osborn, 1979, p. 6)
antipyre.sav and antipyre.xls
(Antipyretics trial; ANOVA analysis; see
text Exercise 13.9, p. 293).
airsamples.sav (Particulate matter in air samples;
fictitious data; particulate
pollution at two sites)
alcohol.sav alcohol.xlc
(Alcohol use, socioeconomic
status, and age; Harvey Monder, Parklawn Data Center, 1986)
anova.sav (Ages at three centers, used to illustrate ANOVA)
anscomb.sav (Graphs in
Statistical Analysis; Anscombe, 1973)
asbestos.sav (Smoking, asbestos exposure, and lung
cancer; fictitious case-control data -- demonstrates interaction of the odds
bd1.sav (Breslow & Day 1: Case-control study of esophageal cancer;
Tuyns et al., 1977)
bd2.sav (Breslow & Day 2: Oxford study of
obstetric radiation and childhood cancer, Breslow and Day, 1980, p. 240; Kneale, 1971).
bicycle.sav (Bicycle helmet use by neighborhood;
Perales, 1994)
bigten.sav (Big ten college retention;
Berk 1994, p. 82)
(Student weights J. Mays' PowerPoint Slide for Moore, 2004, Chapter 2)
bph-samp.sav (Benign prostatic hyperplasia
trial; source = student Joanne Morales)
braintum.sav (Electric blanket use and brain tumor
risk, Preston-Martin et al., 1996, crude data)
bronch-react.sav (Bronchial reactivity
after exposure to gases; Source unknown)
cholesterol.sav (Cholesterol levels in two
groups; Group 1 from Rassias, 1991; Group 2 fictitious)
coliform.sav (Coliform levels in water samples;
Dean1942.sav (Fluoridation of water and dental
cavity rates, Dean et
al., 1942)
deermice.sav (Junk food experiment in lab mice;
diet.sav (Linoleic acid lowers LDL cholesterol;
group 1 data from Rassias
et al., 1990)
doll-ecol.sav (Ecological study of cigarette use and
lung cancer mortality, Doll, 1955)
ear.sav (Clinical trial of antibiotic use in the
treatment of otitis media; Rosner, 1990, p. 68)
- edu_smoke.sav (Education and smoking; fictitious but based CDC,
2005, MMWR, 54(44), 1121-1124.)
fauxpas.sav (Social faux pas in high
school students -- Data are fictitious but realistic; a similar fictitious
study is presented in Howell, 1995, p. 237)
fev.sav (East Boston Respiratory Disease Study,
Tager et al., 1979; Rosner,
1990, p. 40; same as Tager1979.sav)
fluoride.sav (Carie rates
before and after water fluoridation projects; source unknown)
gerstmanb10.sav (Simple random sample of n = 10 from
GerstmanSampleBig.sav (Simple random sample, n
= 96 from populati.sav)
grad-students.sav (Ages of graduate student, fictitious)
hdur.sav (Hospitalization duration data); Townsend, et al.,
1979 sample reported in Rosner, 1990, p.36)
heartwt.sav (Heart and body weight, two independent
groups; Rosner, 1990, p. 35)
hibi2001.sav (Molecular detection of p16 promoter in
patients with esophageal cancer, Hibi
et al., 2001; Samuels & Witmer, 2003, p.p. 582 - 585)
histidine.sav (Histadine levels in 24 hour
samples, men & women; source unknown)
inc-pov-hlthins.sav (Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance,
DeNavas-Walt et al., 2005).
iguana.sav (Gravid iguanas; Hamilton, 1994, p.
irishweb.sav (Irish healthcare websites; O'Mahoney,
kxnecro.sav (Intestinal necrosis associated with
postoperative sodium polystyrene sulfonate in sorbitol; Gerstman,
et al., 1992)
lab_experiment.sav (Laboratory experiment,
same data as deermice.sav; data are fictitious.)
labor.sav (Meconium staining and induction of birth; Osborn, 1979, p.
37; Osborn cites M. Sc. Social Medicine, September 1975)
(Lactation and bone loss; Laskey et al., 1998)
(Breast feeding and bone loss; Laskey et al., 1998)
leaves.sav (Leaves on a common stem; demonstration
of location and spread)
Lyle1987.sav (Blood
pressure and metabolic effects of calcium supplementation; Lyle
et al., 1987)
mat-mort.sav (Maternal mortality and attendance at
birth; source unknown)
mat-role.sav (Adaptation to maternal roles from
Nurcombe et al, 1984 via
Howell, 1995,
pp. 302 - 304).
MECCA.xls (Enteritis outbreak used in epidemiology
ment-hlt.sav (Frequency of problems at community
mental health centers; source unknown but similar to Howell, 1995, p.
monkey4.sav (fictitious and facetious)
na-bp.sav (Sodium and blood pressure;
oatbran.sav (Oat bran cereal and serum cholesterol;
{Anderson et al., 1990; Pagano & Gauvreau, 1993, p. 252)
oswego.sav (An outbreak of gastrointestinal
illness following a church supper; ATPM, 1992)
per-hisp.sav (State populations, percent Hispanic;
2000 Census via Moore, 2004, p.10)
pets.sav (Pet
dogs as moderators of autonomic responses to stress, Allen et al., 1991.)
pigment.sav (ANOVA of pigment levels; source
pollution.sav (Sampling frame for HS
167 lab)
polyphen.sav (Serum polyphenols and red wine
consumption; Nigdikar, 1998 with data generated by Moore, 2004, pp. 416, 643)
in eastern States; Delaker, 2001 Table D; Moore, 2004, p. 27)
populati.sav (Sampling frame for
lab work, HS 167)
prison.sav (Sero-prevalence of HIV in women
inmates, Smith et al., 1991)
prostate.sav (Case-control study of vasectomy and
prostate cancer, Zhu et al., 1996)
rassias.sav (Linoleic acid lowers
LDL cholesterol; group 1 is Rassias et al., 1990, group 2 is fictitious)
risk_index.sav (Risk index pilot study. Data
are fictitious but realistic.)
rooster.sav (Testosterone in roosters, Hampton,
1994, p. 147)
SampleMeans.sav (Sampling distribution of
means simulation experiment for HS 167)
schork-p299.sav (Stage of AIDS and time since
exposure to HIV; Schork & Remington, 2000, p. 299)
seddiq.sav (NASA experiment, WBC determinations by two
methods -- data from former student Adam Seddiqi)
seizure.sav (Seizures following bacterial
meningitis; source unknown)
sexbias.sav (Sex bias during Graduate school
admissions? full data set, Freedman et al., 1991,
pp. 16 - 19; Bickel & O�Connell, 1975)
sexbias2.sav (Data for Major
A and Major F from sexbias.sav; demonstrates confounding)
sessmoke.sav (Socio-economic status and smoking; source is UC Berkeley lecture notes, 1983)
simulation.sav (Lognormal distribution of body
weights as function of age, U.S., 1976 - 1980, parameters based on Burmaster,
skinfold.sav (Skin fold thickness and chronic
lung disease; fictitious)
smok_bw.sav (Smoking during pregnancy and birth
weight; RV.NORMAL generated: X1~N(7.5,
1), X2~N(7.5, 1), X3~N(7.0,
1), X4~N(6.5, 1).)
smoking-moms.sav (Maternal smoking and
Rosner, 2000, p. 569)
stem2.sav (Data for illustrating a stemplot;
surg-time.sav (Surgical times; Kitchens, 1998, p. 139)
Tager1979.sav (Child and adolescent health survey;
1990, p. 40)
tox-samp.sav (Part of the toxic.sav dataset)
toxic.sav (Clustering of an adverse drug event; Jolson et al., 1992)
transplant.sav (Surgical times for heart
transplantations )
tumorsize.sav (Size of meningiomas;
(Unicef low birth weight data; United Nations Children's Fund, 1991 via Pagano and Gauvreau, 1993, p.
waittime.sav (Outpatient care - time waiting
in waiting room; fictitious)
water.sav (Domestic water and dental caries, Dean et
al., 1942, via Pagano, 1993, pp. 277-8)
water2.sav (water.sav with variable
transforms and exclusions)
wcgs.sav (Western Collaborative Group Study;
Selvin, 1991, p. 41)