Hahn Koo
Associate Professor   [
Department of Linguistics and Language Development
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA, 95192-0093, U.S.A.
Office: Clark Hall 485
Phone: 408-924-7093
Email: hahn dot koo at sjsu dot edu
Office hours in Fall 2024
MTWR: 1330 - 1400
Teaching in Fall 2024
LING 26: Quantitative Reasoning in Linguistic Diversity
LING 111: Introduction to Linguistic Phonetics
LING 123: Sound and Communication
LING 124: Introduction to Speech Technology
Recent work
Effects of lexical frequency on the post-exposure magnitude of recalibration in lexically guided perceptual learning: An explorative analysis
(joint work with Reiko Kataoka, Julia Thomas Swan, and Christina Y. Tzeng)
JASA Express Letters
, volume 3, issue 8, 2023, pages 085201_1-7.
A digital pattern playback system implemented in Python
(code available
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
, volume 151, issue 4, 2022, page A132.
Change in pitch and voice quality of L2 speakers of English as a function of similarity between their L1 and English
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
, volume 150, issue 4, 2021, page A42.
Voice quality differences between American English speakers and Korean learners of English
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
, volume 148, issue 4, 2020, page 2659.
Effects of variability and internal structure on malleability of phonetic categories: A case of [i] versus [u]
(joint work with Reiko Kataoka)
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
, volume 146, issue 4, 2019, page 3053.