Econ 135
Money and Banking
Thayer Watkins
Frederic S. Mishkin, Money, Banking and Financial Markets
Course Green Sheet
Content of the course:
I. Fundamentals
- A. Nature of money
- B. Measurement of the money supply
- C. Measurement of the price level (index numbers)
- D. The Crude Quantity Theory of Money
American Treasure in Spain 1505-1650
- E. Macroeconomic theory
- F. Monetary policy
II. Interest rates
B. Present value calculations and investment decisions
C. The price of bonds
D. The term structure of interest rates
E. The risk structure of interest rates
F. Interest rates and inflation, nominal and real interest rates
G. Foreign exchange rates and differential interest rates
H. Derivatives
III. The money supply process
- A. Fractional reserve banking and bank management
- B. Open market operations
- C. Nonbank financial institutions
- D. Financial innovation
- E. A Money Supply Computer using ie4
IV. Financial markets and central banks
V. Monetary theory and policy