These are some of my interests outside of economics:
- Applied Mathematics
- Pure Mathematics
- Physics
- Nonlinear partial differential equations
Perturbation Analysis
- Solitary solutions to the Regularized Long Wave Equation.
These are of interest because they are wave phenomena which behave
like particles. In contrast to the soliton solutions to equations
such as the Korteweg-deVries equation which re-emergence from collisions
unchanged the collision of solitary solutions may create secondary
solitary solutions and/or radiation-like sinusoidal solutions.
- The creation of a convolution algebra to handle nonlinear terms
of differential equations.
Laplace and Fourier transforms provide convenient ways for converting
the problem of solving a differential equation to one of solving an
algebraic equation. The transform of the convolution of two functions
is equal to the product of the transforms of the two functions. The
relationship also works the other way; i.e,, the transform of the product
of two functions is the convolution of the transforms of the two functions.
Usually this does not help in the solution to the original problem. The
Polish mathematician Miczynski has develop a convolution algebra that
works in a limited number of cases in solving differential equations.
- Differential Geometry.
It is said with justification that mathematics is the queen of sciences.
Within mathematics differential geometry is a field of special beauty
because it combines geometry, analysis and algebraic structures. I am
particularly interested in the differential forms approach to differential
- Algebraic Topology, Homology and Cohomology
These are related to the previous topic but separate subject on their own.
Homology and cohomology provide a method of characterizing the shape and
structure of an object.
Spherical Trigonometry
- Art, particularly that art which lends itself to representation
by computer graphics, such as Mondrian and
- People and cultures in unexpected places.
For examples,
- Vikings in Greenland and Vinland.
Vikings have long held a fascination for me. The Vikings were interesting
to me in large part because they showed up in so many unusual place at such
an early time such as on the Caspian Sea and in Baghdad.
After years of interest in this topic that I realized
that it was just a special case of this more general interest.
- The Phoenicians exploring the coast of western Africa I find similarly
- Likewise I was fascinated that around 300 A.D. the Roman
Emperor Marcus Aurelius had 5000 Sarmatian warriors transported from the
area of the Black Sea to what is now northern England. The Romans also
transported people from what is now Morroco to the Canary Islands.
- A Duke of Courland in what is now Latvia tried to establish a colony
in west Africa in what is now Gambia.
- The Navahoes and Apaches are descendants of people
who migrated from what is now northwestern Canada, the Athabascans or
Da Nene people.
- Germans, with the encouragement of Catherine the Great, established
settlements in Siberia.
- There were several counties in south central Texas that were once largely
populated with German immigrants.
- About half the population of Guayana are descendants of immigrants
from India.
- The Greeks in ancient times had a colony, Bactria,
in what is now Afghanistan.
- In more recent times there was a muslim kingdom
called Cham in what is now central Viet Nam.
- The role of the Alans and Sarmatians in world history.
These were nomadic peoples of central Asia speaking languages belonging
to the Iranian family. These groups controlled extensive empires in the
early part of the first millenium. People from these groups showed up in
places as far apart as China on the east to Portugal and Scotland on the west.
A remnant of the Alans survived in the Caucausus Mountains and are known as
the Ostetes. Some of the most important legends and myths of medieval
Europe, such as the Holy Grail, may be traced to the Alans. The Sarmatians
may have been the source of the Arthurian stories. A modern footnote on the
Alans is that Joseph Stalin was half Alan from his mother's side. On his
father's side he is usually considered to have been Georgian, but he may
actually have been the illegitimate son of the famous Russian explorer
Przhevalsky. But that is another story.
- Ankhnaton, the radical pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
Ankhnaton formulated monotheism in ancient Egypt and was overthrown when he
sanctioned the destruction of the temples and priesthoods for the traditional
religion. Sigmund Freud argues in Moses and Monotheism that most of the
Hebrews who fled Egypt were followers of Ankhnaton's monotheism and that
Judaism owes much to the monotheism of Ankhnaton. The Egyptian archeologist
Oman argues that the person history knows as Moses was, in fact, Akhnaton.
- Symmetry and group theory applied to science and art.
Group theory is a fascinating subject in its own right, but it becomes
doubly fascinating in its applications. The applications in physics which
I am particularly interested in are in particle physics, quantum mechanics,
field theory and solid state physics. The latter includes crystallography
as well as the analysis of models and computational methods. Group theory
has some small applications in musics, art and architecture. Overt symmetry
is often beautiful but a beauty that arises from a hidden or at least
nonobvious symmetry is sublime.
- Category theory.
Category theory is a unification of many branches of mathematics.
What looks at first sight to be "abstract nonsense" turns out to have
concrete applications. What is beautiful is to find theorems in various
branches of mathematics that are all merely instances of one theorem in
category theory.
- Optics and photography.
I have had a general interest in photography and started studying optics
to help me understand photography better. But the more I study optics the
more interesting I find it to be in its own right and now my interest in
photography seems to be an adjunct to my interest in optics.
- Linguistics in all of its various aspects.
I find linguistic theory along with computer language theory interesting,
challenging and important. I also like to know the meaning of foreign
words that I come across in ordinary life such as store signs in Spanish
or in Vietnamese. I have had a lot of fun with discovering the literal
meaning of place names in China. When traveling in California I make it
a practice to take along a Spanish dictionary to find the meaning of
names of geographic features and places. There are certain languages I try
to learn more about: Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Afrikaans.
I also want to learn more about Friesian because of its relationship to
Old English. Likewise I find Lowland Scottish interesting because of its
relationship to English. There are certain computer languages I have
learned and am trying to remain proficient in or at least not forget
completely: Pascal, C, Lisp, Prolog and Gofer. There are others I want to
learn but just have not gotten around to doing so such as C++, ML, Forth
and CGI.
- 3D modeling including Visual Reality Modeling Language VRML
This ultimately will be of value in teaching economics. Instructors
have a difficult time drawing three dimensional graphs and students
consequently have a difficult time understanding the relationships
involved. VRML will create such diagrams that students can not only
see but they can exam by turning them around and tranversing them.
- Culture as God.
Long ago it occured to me that "culture" in an anthropological sense
had most if not all the attributes of God. Amongst the people who belong
to a particular culture it is omnipresent and omniscient. In some ways a
culture is like a language (language is in fact a crucial part of a culture)
in that just as all speakers of a language know when some utterance is
grammatically correct so all members of a culture know whether a particular
action is right or wrong. They may not always do right but they know whether
what they do is right or wrong. This is a topic that I would like to devote
more time and energy to and will do so some day.