Updated 10/9/08

Semester: SPRING 2008
Class & section:  JAPANESE CULTURE (JPN 102-01)
Units/ Contact hours,  3/45 hours
Instructor: Dr. Shimazu, Department of Foreign LanguagesSJSU
Days & Time Taught (Classroom):  MW 10:30-11:45a (CL206)
Office hours: MW 9:20 -10:20a  and F 10:00 -11:50a
Office: Clark Bldg 410P, Phone 408-924-4625
Email: ymshimazu@aol.com
Website: http://sjsu.edu/faculty/y.shimazu

This course will provide an overview of Japanese society and culture. The class will examine Japan by watching various films of Japanese society, such as "the tradition of performing arts," "the Japanese businessman," "the Japanese family," "Japanese technology," "Japanese society," "customs and manners in Japan," "the Japanese and nature," "Japan's corporate system," "annual festivities and ceremonies," "education in Japan," and "working women."  This class is intended for students who would like to increase their understanding of the Japanese culture.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: be aware of the general characteristics of Japanese culture, courtesies, and attitudes.

1.  Textbooks:
     a) International Internship Programs. (1997). Japan at a glance. Tokyo: Kodansha International. [Also available at SJ Kinokuniya Bookstore--Phone 408-252-1300.]
     b) Kerr, A. (2002). Dogs and Demons. New York: Hill & Wang.
     a) Schilling, M. (1997). The encyclopedia of Japanese pop culture. New York: Weatherhill.
     b) Reischauer, E., & Jansen, M. B. (1977). The Japanese today. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University.
     c) DeMente, B. (1987). Japanese etiquette & ethics in business. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC
     d) DeMente, B. (1997). The Japanese have a word for it.  Passport Books/Lincolnwood, IL: NTC
2.  VHS tapes shown in class: GPN. (1995). Japan: The land and its people (a series of 12 videocassettes, approx. 30 min. long each tape). http://gpn.unl.edu  And Video clips from YouTube.
3.  Handouts: articles and summaries (HARAGEI, Barnlund, Dos&Donts, etc.) on Japanese culture for reading and for class discussion.

1. DO the reading assignments and SUBMIT video reviews (the reviews must be submitted within 2 weeks after the show date); DO presentations.  NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED.
2. ATTEND class and participate in discussion--attendance rate of 80% or higher.
3. TAKE 1 midterm exam, 1 final exam, and quizzes.

1.  Final exam (Tuesday, 5/20/08, 945-1200) ............................................ 30%
2.  Four (4) quizzes (up to 10% each) ......................................................... 40%
3.  One (1) video or article/chapter review .................................................. 10%
4.  Midterm exam  ....................................................................................... 20%
5.  One (1) in-class paper presentation of your interest ................... extra credit (up to 10%)
6.  Additional quizzes or summaries............................................................ credit

1.  On Monday, after a brief introduction (Focus Points & Objectives), the instructor will show you a Japanese video (approx. 30 min.). Upon watching the video, the class will discuss and clarify the scenes or items causing difficulty, then the Qs&As will follow on the content of the video focusing on understanding and interpreting the material (pop quiz may be given).  On Wednesday, the class will study Japan at a glance discussing its content  page by page with supplementary material.  Occasionally the class  will take a quiz on the previous weeks' reading assignments from Dogs and Demons and other reading assignments (online and handouts).

Student presentations may take some of our class time.
2.  Student presentations are welcome in order to increase the learning effectiveness (if time permits).  You will evaluate your classmates' presentations.

The course academic schedule and reading assignments will be updated regularly and handed out to you, so you must attend class to get them.

Preparation at home (reading) and participation in class discussion will help you better understand what you have learned in class. It is most important that you come to class regularly and participate in all class activities. There will be times you will be expected to participate in discussions in class.  Please also be on time for class. The quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam will test comprehension of material in the textbook covered in the class sessions, class handouts and lectures. If you miss a quiz, you will receive a zero (0) point for the quiz.  If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what was covered during the class. You are responsible for all material presented during the course. Special care however will be given to students with disabilities. No eating food, no chewing gum, no using cell phones and iPod/iPhone in the classroom.

SJSU Policy requires that all courses hold a final examination (or final project) during the final examination period. There are no exceptions to this without the approval of both the Chair of the Department and the Dean of the College. Exceptions are rarely granted except in the most extreme circumstances.

Students are not permitted to use old tests, quizzes when preparing for exams. Violations to the Academic Integrity Policy undermine the educational process and will not be tolerated.  It also demonstrates a lack of respect for oneself, fellow students and the course instructor and can ruin the university's reputation and the value of the degrees it offers.  Violators of the Academic Integrity Policy will be subject to failing this course and being reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs for disciplinary action which could result in suspension or expulsion from San Jose State University (see http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S05-14.htm).

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours.  Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with DRC to establish a record of their disability.


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