SJSU News Archive

Date: 10/25/2004
Alejandro Garcia, professor of physics, is spending this month as a guest scientist at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, in Berlin. At WIAS, research is conducted in applied mathematics covering complex problems from economics, science and technology. While there, Garcia is collaborating with Wolfgang Wagner on the study of nanoscale fluctuations in fluids. See Garcia at
James Brent, associate professor of political science, recently served on a panel on civil liberties and homeland security, organized by the League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley. Brent was joined by fellow panelists: Donald Abenheim, research fellow at Hoover Institute; L.A. Chung, columnist at the San Jose Mercury News; and Edward Steinman, professor of law at Santa Clara University. Contact Brent at
Lucy McProud, chair of the nutrition and food science department, recently organized a Careers in Food Science and Technology panel featuring four department alumni who are professionals in the field. Approximately 40 students attended this first-ever event for the department, which was co-sponsored by the Career Center. Contact McProud at
Shishir Mathur, assistant professor of urban and regional planning, joined local leaders for a panel discussion organized by City Councilwoman Nora Campos to discuss statistics from the National League of Cities on wealth, which indicate a persistent gap between "haves" and "have-nots." The meeting was held at the Children's Discovery Museum. Contact Mathur at