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Dancing on Heaven's Door Research Paper, Page 6

Getting Materials from Other Sources

While downloading my article on the psychology of witchcraft, I notice a note card symbol at the top of the page. If I click on this symbol, I will get all the information I need to fill out my data collection sheet. (By the way, if you fill out your data collection sheet from the Academic Search Premier page, it will save you trouble toggling between windows later.)

The article I downloaded is very interesting and I decide that I would like to read more about the psychology of witchcraft. One way to find more information on the subject is to look at the bibliography of the article I am reading. One book by P. Geshiere on The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Post-Colonial Africa looks interesting. I fill out a data collection sheet with as much information as I can get from the bibliography of the article I downloaded. Then, I look for the book in the King Library catalog. It turns out that King does not have the book, so I check for it in Link+. Since it is not on Link+, I decide to request it from Interlibrary Services or through ILLiad. When the book arrives, I will be very careful to return it on time, since fines are high!

Proceed to page 7.

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