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Dancing on Heaven's Door Research Paper, Page 9

More Places to Look

You already know that you can find basic information about your topic in Wikipedia. Do not depend on this site for all your research. I want to see that you have done some real research. A good aspect of Wikipedia is that references and further links are included at the bottom of each page.

Another interesting resource is Blinkx, a video source where you can view quality commercial videos. By searching on "Africa Witchcraft," I found several videos including one on voudou. You might also find some interesting images on the web if you use Google Image Search. These can lead you to web pages with valuable information

As you can see, the most difficult part of a research paper today is not finding information, but narrowing it down. Your research paper should have a thesis to help you and the reader focus on your topic. If you are unsure about developing a thesis, read Developing a Good Thesis in my Student Skills Library. There you can also find a convenient summary of the Chicago-Author Date Citation System and my Essay Grading Standards. If you have questions about the form of the reference list or the paper itself, you can find samples in my Student Skills Library.

Do not be shy about asking for help! Come to my office hours, ask a peer mentor, or get help from the Writing Center. Even experienced authors benefit from the help of colleagues and editors. You will be writing research papers throughout your academic career and, perhaps, even after you graduate. Use this opportunity to master the basics!
