/ Sections 4 & 5
/ Spring 2005 INTRODUCTION
Dr. Bo Mou Time & Place: Monday & Wednesday / Section 4: 10:30-11:45; SH239 / Section 5: 12:00 �13:15; BBC004 Office Hours: (1) Regular Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 14:00-14:30 and 17:30 � 18:30. (2) If you are unable to make these times, we can schedule a time that is convenient for you. Office:
FO 225 Phone:
(408) 924-4513 E-mail:
bmou@email.sjsu.edu Website:
http://www.sjsu.edu/professors/bo_mou/ Required
Textbook: Course Reader: Introduction to Philosophy�A Comparative Approach in View of Western and Chinese Philosophy [ CR]. Course
Description: This course presents an
introduction to philosophy by examining some significant philosophical issues
and concerns in epistemology, metaphysics and ethics and evaluating some
representative approaches in ancient and contemporary times. We take a
comparative approach in view of two major philosophical traditions, Western and
Chinese philosophies, instead of taking this course as merely introduction to
Western (or Chinese) philosophy. The course has two objectives: (1) to develop
the capacity to think critically, to look at things in a broad and dynamic way,
and to apply philosophical methods to deal with philosophically important issues
and other intellectual problems; (2) to appreciate various distinct
philosophical insights, visions, points of views, their arguments and their
historical and/or cultural contexts where they developed so as to construct
one�s own philosophical world view. Prerequisite:
No. Instruction
Format: Lecture,
class discussion, and small group discussion. Course
Requirements: Regular
attendance, timely and careful completion of reading-assignments prior to their
lecture or discussion in class, earnest and reflective fulfillment of written
assignments, and active participation in discussion are expected for the
successful learning process. 1. Writing Assignments (1) One critical analysis report of group discussion Results: 5% (2) One master-presentation writing handout: 5% (2) Term Paper: 20% 2.
In-Class Examinations (1) First Midterm Exam: 15% (2) Second Midterm Exam: 15% (3) Final Exam: 30% 3.
Class participation: 10%
Writings To meet the preceding GE writing policy, each student is required to write: (i) one term paper (4-5 typewritten double-spaced pages with 1 inch margin and font size 12; about 250 words each page); (ii) one critical-analysis report on group discussion result (about 250-300 words on 1 typewritten double-space page with 1 inch margin and font size 10 or 12); (iii) one master presentation writing handout which highlights the major points of your presentation and gives brief explanation of the points and concepts involved (1 typewritten single-space page with 1 inch margin and font size 10 or 12); (iv) in-class writings for the three examinations (equivalent to 4 pages total). For how to do philosophical writings, see Appendix (4) �Guidelines for Philosophical Writings� in the Course Reader. Writing will be assessed for correctness, clarity and conciseness. Out-of-Class
Writing Assignments Critical-Analysis Report on Group Discussion Result Each of these gives
your critical analysis of your group discussion result for the assigned
question(s). This is not a mere record of what the participants in the group
discussion said. The student needs to do the following critical analysis: (i)
give a concise summary of the group discussion result (the conclusion(s) and why
your group thinks so); (ii) give your own critical evaluation and comments on
the group discussion result. The critical-analysis writings are due by noon
(12:00) of Friday immediately after Wednesday on which the group discussion is
conducted; they are expected to submit via email attachment (MS Word file) by
the above due time. Term Paper This is the
main philosophical writing of each student. The topic will be assigned three
weeks before the due date. The paper should show use of library resources (e.g.,
books or journal articles) through making at least two citations in the text and
giving their full references in endnotes. It should be around 4-5 pages. The submitted paper is due in hard copy in
class-meeting time; the electronic version is not accepted. Exams Both
midterm and final exams will combine multiple choice, short answer questions and
essay questions except that students will have two hours to complete the final
exam. The instructor will supply a study guide a week before each of the exams. Late
Papers and Missed Assignments Papers
that are one class session late will be demoted 5%; papers that are later will
receive a 10% cut. Exceptions are made if you have a doctor�s note or if you
have been given a prior extension. Students who miss a mid-term will need a
serious excuse (e.g., a doctor�s note) and to schedule a make-up exam. Academic
Dishonesty: Plagiarism
is wrong. Never turn in another person�s work as your own and never present Class
Participation The student�s active class participation consists of the following: (i) Attending scheduled classes regularly (two bonus points will be given for perfect attendance; one bonus point will be given for only-one-class-missing attendance); (ii) Asking questions in class or volunteering answers to philosophical questions raised by classmates or instructors; (iii) Being active in group discussions; and (iv) earnestly completing in-class oral presentation of your group-discussion report amd a master in-class presentation at the "Discussion Forum" on May 11 and 16. Help
from Logic and Philosophy Lab You are encouraged to visit the
Logic and Philosophy Lab (FO 231; 924-4466) where graduate students of
philosophy on duty shall be glad to help you with advice about philosophical
writings (criticism and construction of arguments and explanation). You can
bring in your philosophical writings for their comments before you submit them.