San Jose State University
NuFS/HuP 163- Physical Fitness and Nutrition
Departments of Human Performance and Nutrition & Food Science


Be sure to consider the suggestions in the class handout "How to Understand and Interpret Food and Health-Related Scientific Studies" for analyzing the articles. In addition, answer the following questions, but do not limit your analysis to these questions only:


Did the authors give a succinct statement of the problem, explaining why the research was conducted? What were the objectives/research questions? Were they clearly stated?


What type of research study was used? If experimental, were criteria for well-controlled research utilized? Were the research methods and/or study design carefully described? (Did the authors provide enough information for you to replicate the study?) Were the methods and study design appropriate for meeting the objectives of the study? Were instruments/indicators used appropriate for the populations being studied? Were there any apparent methodological flaws? Would there be any confounding variables to consider?


How were the results reported? Could the tables/graphs, if used, "stand alone"? Were the findings presented in such a way that you would be able to answer the research question posed? Were the findings reported without bias? Can the study's results be generalized to other populations? How does this work fit within the body of research?


Was the discussion pertinent to the objectives of the study? Was a critical evaluation made of the study, including methods and interpretation of data? Were strengths and limitations noted? What are the limitations? Was the significance of the study discussed? What applications do the findings have to the "real world"? In what direction should future research focus?


Using the guidelines below, write a 2-page research analysis on each of the following:

Article #1, selected by your instructor, will be corrected in detail for grammar and critical thinking. This feedback should serve to help students make improvements in writing and critical evaluation abilities prior to being graded on the subsequent paper.

Article #2, selected by your instructor, will be on reserve in Clark Library.

See due dates for analyses on course syllabus.

Each student must do his/her own work for both articles; plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade if it occurs.

Grading Criteria

30 points for analysis, content and clarity

15 points for writing (grammar, spelling, syntax)

5 points for format/adherence to guidelines

Form and Style Guidelines

Your paper should: