Reading Tips
q Read for comprehension rather than speed
q Read in small portions (this helps with focus)
q Look up words you do not understand
q Make notes as you read
o Highlight or underline [sparsely, and with care]
o Write questions as you go (e.g., on post-it notes)
o Use schematics, diagrams, timelines, charts, and other visual aids to illustrate concepts
o Tie the reading you just did to something that you know already (e.g., something you did previously in that same class, from some other class, or from general experience)
q Review what you�ve read later it to test comprehension
o If you took good notes, you should be able to look at your notes and describe the main point of the reading
o Pick a random sentence from the reading and ask yourself the following questions:
� Why did the author say this?
� What was the author trying to tell me in this part of the reading?
� What came before/after this?
q Read for facts and ideas (distill but avoid trivialization)