Student name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
Key: + = excellent . = adequate - = needs improvement
_____ Research question and study design [10 pts]
Research question described accurately and in clear and organized fashion
Integrated class content appropriately
Identified design properly
Characterized population adequately
Described how subjects were selected from study population
_____ Explanatory and response variables [10 pts]
Identified exposure and outcome correctly
Expressed methods of ascertainment in clear and organized fashion
Described how cases were defined and identified
Wording is reasonable and coherent
_____ Measures and sources of error [10 pts]
Clearly identified how incidence or prevalence was calculated (not applicable to case-control studies)
Clearly identified how association and effects were ascertained
Identified potential confounders listed by author
Addressed how author controlled or adjusted for potential confounders
Addressed other potential sources of error (e.g., information biases)
Addressed direction, strength, and precision or statistical significance of observed association for key outcome
Wording is reasonable and expressed in an organized fashion
_____ Bottom line [10 pts]
Results and conclusion correct and expressed in clear and organized fashion
Integrated class content appropriately
Avoids overstatements and misrepresentations
_____ Organization and mechanics of writing [10 pts]
Section headings
Paper properly formatted
Reference (to article) properly formatted