Format of the exam. The exam includes open-ended responses and multiple-choice responses. There are several simple calculations. You will be asked to interpret data from published studies; you will be asked to analyze studies; you will be asked to define basic terms.
Please bring a calculator and your epi formula sheets of to the exam. Here's a link to current class formula: epi-formulas.pdf
BASIC TERMS: Basic terms and concepts from Chapter 1. At present, no Chapter 2 concepts are tested.
INCIDENCE & PREVALENCE � Incidence proportion (average risk), incidence rate (densities), and prevalences as covered in Chapter 6.
RATE ADJUSTMENT - Rate adjustment and confounding as covered in Chapter 7. You will not have to perform mathematical adjustments, but should be familiar with interpretation and concepts.
MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION � Basic measures of risk difference and relative risk. Attributable fraction will not be addressed. These concepts are covered in Chapter 8.
ANALYTIC STUDIES � Interpretation of experimental and non-experimental (ecological, cross-sectional, cohort, and case-control studies. These are covered in Chapters 9 - 11.
ERROR IN RESEARCH - Random and systematic error in epidemiologic research as covered Chapter 12.
Chapter 16 (causal inference) and Chapters 4 (screening) are not covered because these are presented toward the end of the course.
[Last edit: 4/24/09]