(Krazy Kat gazes up at a large clock on the side of a cliff.)
There is a �mesa� in the heart of �Tusayan� high up, upon
whose side reposes �el nido de las horas� � (which may, or may not mean) � �the
nest of the hours-from which time is born.
Krazy Kat: Every toc a birth �
Every toc a death �
Every wiza woiza �
Every tic, a second.
Every toc, a milyin years.
Every tic, a nothing �
Every toc. A something �
And wiza woiza �
And yet, wit me for a instinct wot time is it for me?
Time to wash my tooth? No, already I did it � lest wik � or was it the wik before?
It aint time for me to change my (pardon me) unda wear, no, I dunt wear none.
So by me, afta dew kinsiddirations � time is nothing.
Ahh � but wit Ignatz, wot time is it, by him � l�il sodium poppa-
(A flying brick hits Krazy Kat on the head.� Sound effects: �Pow!�� �Zip!�)
I knew it � time for he to toss a �brick� at me.
Offissa Pupp (chasing Ignatz): Mmm- time for me to get that miserable �mouse.�
Ignatz: Oh hoh � time for me to get out of here �
And I�d better be making �better time.� That Krazy Kop is full of speed today.
Offissa Pupp: I�ll get you if it takes until the end of time � you wagabone.
Krazy Kat: Wot nice times they have togedda � them two.