Building the "Romantic Era" Timeline
Instructions for 9/10/09 Digital Workshop


Due Today (9/10/09:
Print copy of your Timeline Assignment (2 years; 7 sources each year)
Instructions, Library List, Special Collections List & Student Years (pdf)

This assignment requires students to amass information about his/her two years during 1780-1840 � our long version of the Romantic Era. Students will use various types of resources to complete a timeline. On the due date, each student will add his/her findings to a single, collaborative timeline. My comments will be returned and intended to help students continue to add further to this timeline. Because we will collaborate on this timeline throughout the semester, students will be able to add to any section. Students will also be able to link from their Frankenstein chapters to this timeline for any relevant references.


Digital Workshop

We're going to use some new online tools to build a timeline of the time period we're studying. It will involve some the ability to enter information into an online spreadsheet.  The results will be pretty cool


  1. On 9/9/09, you should have received an e-mail inviting you to collaborate with me on a Google Docs spreadsheet.
  2. During our Digital Workshop, open up your timeline document on your laptop. You will be cutting & pasting information from that document onto our Google Docs spreadsheet.
  3. In the Google spreadsheet, enter all of your events, filling out the various fields with the appropriate information (see below).

The Spreadsheet's Fields

Using the spreadsheet is easy, but it also requires the data to be input in a very particular way.  For best results, follow these instructions exactly:

  1. Always add your information to the BOTTOM of the spreadsheet. 
  2. The first field, "{label}" is the text that will be visible directly on the timeline.  It should be short: 3-6 words (where a title of a novel or poem can count as one poem).  To make a title appear italicized, type it exactly like this (without the quotation marks): "AuthorName, <em>Book Title</em>"  Don't worry about the fact that it doesn't look italicized in the spreadsheet, and DON'T USE THE SPREADSHEET'S ITALICS FUNCTION!
  3. The second field, "{start-date}" is mandatory: when did the event happen?  Fill this in: yyyy-mm-dd.  You must use 2-digit months (01, 02, 03) and 2-digit days.
  4. The third field, "{end-date}" is optional: If the event happened over a span of time, when did it end?  Again, use yyyy-mm-dd format.
  5. The fourth field, "{description:single}"  is where you put your description.  If you have a URL for a citation, wrap the sentence--or some portion of it--in a hyperlink.  Here's how to do it (the quotation marks in the pointy-brackets are REQUIRED!!): <a href="LINKGOESHERE">SENTENCE GOES HERE</a>  
  6. The fifth field, "{image:url}" is where you cut-and-paste the url for the related image.
  7. The sixth field, "{EventType}" is where you identify what kind event this is:
  • Overview
  • PrintCulture
  • Periodical/Ephemeral
  • PrimaryMaterials
  • AuthorLetters/Diaries
  • OtherLetters/Diaries
  • Culture/Science/Society

Only choose one and type the word exactly as it appears here. This enables a search function for each of these categories.

  1. The seventh field: "{initials}" is where you put your initials, for ease of bookkeeping. Make sure that you are consistent with your initials. This also enables a search for only your entries
  2. After you have entered your information in the spreadsheet, make sure that it is displaying properly on the timeline. (The Google Docs spreadsheet will automatically save every 5 minutes.)

Only 10 people can simultaneously edit the Google Docs spreadsheet.  Because we have 25 people in class, our timeline will not be finished by the end of today's Digital Workshop.  (We will work in small groups to collaborate and learn from each other.) Enter all of your data by Tuesday, September 15th. I will give you points based on the printed copy that you submit to me, but you will not receive those points until your portion of the digital timeline has been completed.


Year Assignments
  • 1780-1781: Jon Cook
  • 1782-1783: Kathy Geary
  • 1784-1785: Alexis Gorjanc
  • 1786-1787: Breanna Sennert
  • 1788-1789: Shayna Celaya
  • 1790-1791: Shabnam Wassie
  • 1792-1793: Deborah Godinez
  • 1794-1795: Andres Gallegos
  • 1796-1797: Jonathan Barreto
  • 1798-1799: Karina Velarde
  • 1800-1801: Kyle Yrigoyen
  • 1802-1803: NONE
  • 1804-1805: Rachel Serpa
  • 1806-1807: Andrew Mitchell
  • 1808-1809: Anthony Tallarico
  • 1810-1811: Franklin Baldwin
  • 1812-1813: Arthur Brandecker
  • 1814-1815: Michael W. Coco
  • 1816-1817: Jonathan Poso
  • 1818-1819: Kristina Casto
  • 1820-1821: Dorothee Baumfalk
  • 1822-1823: Robyn McCreight
  • 1824-1825: Tull Jordan
  • 1826-1827: James Federico
  • 1828-1829: Jasmina
  • 1830-1831: Jessica
  • 1832-1833: NONE
  • 1834-1835: NONE
  • 1836-1837: NONE