Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences

                                                            Fall 2004


Office Hours: Mondays: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM             Sweeney Hall Room 118-A

Tuesdays: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM            Phone: 408-924-4019

and/or by prior appointment                                      E-mail:

I will respond to your call or message as soon as I can.



College of Education

The mission of the College of Education at San José State University is to prepare educators who have the knowledge, skills, dispositions and ethics that ensure equity and excellence for all students in a culturally diverse, technologically complex, global community.


Department of Communicative Disorders & Sciences Mission Statement

The mission of Communication Disorders and Sciences is to provide a high quality program for speech-language pathologists to meet the communicative needs of our increasingly diverse multilingual/multicultural population. The program follows an academic and clinical curriculum based on a sound theoretical framework and research findings which promote competent practitioners who participate in lifelong learning

experiences. The program is enhanced through faculty, academic, and clinical expertise, transdisciplinary and family collaboration and technological advancements in assessment and intervention.



            Provides an understanding of the neurophyschological, cognitive and linguistic correlates of developmental language disorders which underline the competencies to diagnose and provide treatment for children with language impairments.



EDSE 102-EDSP 124-EDSP 125 or Instructor’s consent.



This course meets the requirements of several standards set by CTC as well as ASHA Standards which include:







EDSP 259-Fall 2004


Standard 22: Speech and Language Disorders

22.1     Demonstrating understanding of speech, language, and hearing disorders; including but not limited to disorders of language, articulation, fluency, voice, and hearing.

22.2     Comprehension of speech, language and hearing disorders associated with special populations including, but not limited to individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities and traumatic brain injury.


Standard 23: Evaluation of Speech and Language Disorders

23.1     Proficiency in the assessment, selection, and development of augmentative and alternative communication systems and the training of clients in their use.


Standard 24: Management of Speech and Language Disorders

24.1     Knowledge of management procedures, including remediation principles used in habilitation and rehabilitation for children and adults with various disorders of communication in their primary languages.



Standard III-E: The applicant must possess knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention and assessment , and intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, including consideration of anatomical/ physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates of the disorders.



Demonstrate an understanding of :

1- Normal and abnormal early neurological development as well as function including “ at risk” features.  

2. Developmental patterns of language and cognitive systems.

3. Characteristics of children and adolescents with various impairments to include but not limited to neurological, cognitive, hearing impairments, emotional disturbance, autism.

4. Most appropriate assessment and effective treatment procedures for those children and adolescents taking into account personal, cultural and environmental variables.



Schoenbrodt, L.(2004). Childhood communication disorders: Organic bases. Clifton, Park, New York. Delmar Learning.

Larson, V. & McKinley, N. (2003). Communication solutions for adolescents.

Eau Claire, WI: Thinking Publications.



EDSP 259-Fall 2004



A. Complete all readings-Come to class prepared. Participate with constructive comments.

B. Pass one final examination-50 multiple choice questions.

C.Completion of three projects (See description below).



PROJECT  C-1 Summary of journal paper -Individual Project

 (Written 50 points-Oral 25 points)

due October  5

            Select one article from any journal discussing therapy for autistic or LLD children or adolescents. Write a summary  of the article while providing your opinion about the quality of the paper, and responding to the following questions: 1) D id the author(s) discuss the theoretical framework that supported the therapy approach(es)?  and,  2) Today, we talk about evidence based therapy, was there any discussion about the assets, liabilities, and/or limitations of the therapy discussed.?

Please E-mail your summary to your classmates prior to the date of presentation.


Oral Presentation

Summary/Highlights of your paper no more than 5-8 minutes


PROJECT C-2  Observation of a teenager with a partner

(Written-125 points---Oral presentation-25 points)

due November  2

Contact an SLP and ask him/her if she will be willing to assist you with this project. In exchange you will create an activity suited for the student’s needs such as designing special cards, a book, or a board game/activity  to practice the areas that are being emphasized in therapy. Obtain permission from the parents to observe the student throughout the portion of the day where you can observe the student in speech/language therapy, classroom and recess/brunch. The student must be a 12 to 19 year old and identified as a special education student (age 12 to age 19)


Written segment:

Report the following information: (Use acronyms for the student’s name and school to preserve confidentiality).

            a. Age. Date of observation.

b. Age and type of diagnosis, by whom?

            c. Educational experience, previous interventions, results. .

            d. Current level of performance in speech, language, communication, academic learning (where appropriate).

            e. If student is ELL include all pertinent comments regarding this issue.

            f. Current speech and language goals.

For each setting the following: (Observe  for 20-30 minutes at least).

            a. What were the objectives of the activity/lesson?

EDSP 259-Fall 2004


b.  What were the materials used?

            c. How did the student respond?

d. What did the SLP or classroom teacher do:

·      to enhance the student’s responses?

·      when the student did not respond as desired and/or had an attention or behavior difficulty?

            e. How did the SLP or classroom teacher record the student’s performance for that session?

            f. If you were the SLP, what might you have done differently and why?

            g. Describe the special activity you developed for the student.


During recess/brunch please observe:

            a. Activity/ies that the student did engage in.

            b. Could you tell if there was a dialog between the student and other others?

            c. Could you tell that the student had a learning difficulty in observing him/her in the less structured setting?

            d. Were there advantages or disadvantages in observing the student in this setting?



Conversation with SLP and the Student:

            a. Converse with the SLP regarding the content of the transition plan for the student if applicable.

            b. Ask the SLP to comment on the efficacy of the model of intervention he/she is using.

            c. Administer the Learning Style Questionnaire (Larson & McKinley p. 480-484)


Other information to include in your paper (6 to 8 pages):

            a. What did you learn from this experience?

            b. How does this experience match or does not match your readings on this topic

(please make reference to at least three articles  from professional journals

c. How might you use this experience in your future coursework?

d. List reference s using APA style (5th edition).

e. On a separate piece of paper write about the nature of your collaboration with your project partner. How might you improve it next time?

As an Appendix

f. Include the completed Learning Style Questionnaire.


PAPER  should be typewritten and turned in a folder. E-mailed papers will not be accepted,  for this project because I don’t have the budget to run the copies and I prefer to read from paper and not the screen.


Oral Presentation

Summary/Highlights of your paper no more than 5-8 minutes


EDSP 259-Fall 2004


PROJECT C- 3.-Research paper- Individual Project

(Written :150 points-----Oral: Powerpoint and presentation in class : 50 points).

due either December 7 or December 14 (lottery)

Note: To receive full credit you must attend both classes even if you are done with the last paper. Points will be deducted if you do not come to class.


Ten-page research paper on any topic of your choice related to assessment and/or intervention of language disorders in children  (Birth to 9).  Follow APA 5th edition standards. (Sorry, but points will be deducted for incorrect spelling)


Example of papers:

            1-Best strategies to work effectively with a child who had TBI upon re-entering toschool.

            2- Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams in working with CP students who need an AAC system to communicate more effectively.

            3-Effective strategies in working with students who have Tourette’s syndrome.

            4-The role of the SLP in youth enrolled in juvenile prisons.

            5-Controversy surrounding the use of stimulant medications for students identified as ADD/ADHD.

            6-Roles and responsibilities of the SLP working with LLD students in the middle and high school.

            7-Are there therapies that are more effective than others  for PPD students?

            8-Present a survey of vocational training in five areas and demonstrate how much language is needed for each? For example, if you are a mechanic, what do you need to be able to do? If you are an electrician? How about a hair stylist?        



Project:C-1                            75 points (50 written and 25 oral)

Project:C-2                            150 points  (125 written and 25 oral)

Project: C-3                           200 points (150 written and 25 oral)

Multiple choice                      50 points

Constructive  Participation:  25 points

TOTAL:                                  500 POINTS


A+      98-100             A         94-97                           A-        90-93

B+       87-89               B         84-86                           B-        80-83

C+      77-79               C         74-76                           C-        70-73

D         60-69               F<60




See the " Students Rights and Responsibilities" section in the SJSU catalog for information about the SJSU procedures for filing a complaint.


EDSP 259-Fall 2004



At SJSU plagiarism is the act of representing the work of another as one's own (without giving appropriate credit) regardless of how that work was obtained, and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Plagiarism at SJSU includes, but is not limited to:

1.2.1 The act of incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof, or the specific substance of another's work, without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as one's own work; and

 1.2.2 Representing another's artistic/scholarly works such as musical compositions, computer programs, photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures or similar works as one's own.




If you need course adaptations, because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours.












EDSP 259-Fall 2004



We will review topics according to the major classifications in both children and adolescents. Cultural and linguistic differences will be discussed in each category.



August 31

Course Requirements--Language-Learning Disabilities-Children

Shoenbrodt, LChapter 4

Supplement with Larson & Mc. Kinley.

September 7


Shoenbrodt, LChapter 3

September 14

Language Disorders/ Learning Disabilities-Adolescents

Larson & McKinley-Chapter 14

September 21

Autism Spectrum Disorders- PDD to Asperger’s

Shoenbrodt, L –Chapter 5

Supplement with Larson & Mc. Kinley.

September 28

AAC for students with Various Communicative Disorders

Guest Speaker: Deborah Bell

October  5

Discussions of papers-Presentations

October 12

Catch-up day- No class-Observations if you wish

October 19

Traumatic Brain Injury

Shoenbrodt, LChapter 1

Supplement with Larson & Mc. Kinley.

October 26

Cerebral Palsy

Shoenbrodt, LChapter 2

Supplement with Larson & Mc. Kinley

November 2

Mental Retardation

Shoenbrodt, LChapter 6

Project C-2 Presentations

November 9

Subtance Abuse-

Shoenbrodt, LChapter 8

Project C-2 Presentations

November 16

Hearing Impaired

Guest Speaker-Cochlear Implants-Role of  SLPs

November 23

Child Neglect /Adoption/Psychiatric Disorders

Shoenbrodt, LChapter 8

Multiple Choice Exam

December 7


December 14







EDSP 259-Fall 2004



Both texts include an extensive bibliography on each topic that is up- to date. Some references dating from 2000 are listed.


Bernstein, D.K., & Tiegerman, E. (2002). Language and communication disorders in children. (4th ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Butler, K, G., & Silliman, E.R. (2002). Speaking, reading, and writing in children with language-learning disabilities. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Catts, H.W. & Kamhi, A.G. (1999). Language and reading disabilities. Boston:Allyn & Bacon.

Cheng, L.L. (1996). Integrating language and learning for inclusion: An Asian-Pacific Focus. San Diego: Singular Publishing Company.

Coleman, M.C. (1996). Emotional and behavioral disorders. Boston: Allyn & Bacon

Nelson, N. (1998). Childhood language disorders in context: Infancy through adolescence. (2nd ed). Columbus, OH: Merrill

Paul, R. (2001). Language disorders from infancy through adolescence. St Louis: Mosby

Wallach, R.K., & Butler, K (Eds.) (1994), Language learning disabilities in school–age children and adolescents. New York: Merrill

Wong, B (Ed.), Learning about learning disabilities (1995). San Diego: Academic Press



American Journal of Speech Pathology

Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Psychiatry and Human Development

Developmental Neuropsychology

International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders

Language Disabilities Quarterly

Journal of Communication Disorders.

Journal of Language Disabilities

Journal of Pediatrics

Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders

Journal of Speech and Hearing Research

Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools

Seminars in Speech and Language

Topics of Language Disorders




Lorene Sisson--Librarian

San José State University Library

One Washington Square San José California 95192-0028
