Lewis Aptekar, Phd.
Professional Expertise


Professional Expertise
Program and Management

Clinical Research Expert, IPSER, Free University of Amsterdam and Addis Ababa University, 1998-99.
Design and implement a community mental health action research project on the mental health of refugees and displaced people (IPSER is a World Health Organization Collaborating Center).
Senior Fulbright Scholar, Cross-cultural Research Project, University if Swaziland, 1995-96.
Director of cross-cultural action research project for Street Children in Swaziland, Maputo, Mozambique, and Durban and Johannesburg, South Africa.
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, 1994-95.
Designed, implemented and directed research project, "Street children of Kenya: Consequences of Modernization and Changing Family Structures".
Visiting Professor, Graduate Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1993.
Training counselors to work with drug and alcohol problems.
Associate Dean, College of Education, San Jose State University, 1991-93.
In charge of several standing academic committees, Institute for Educational Research, and Entrance Academy.
Director, Human Corps, San Jose State University, 1990-95.
Administer community service project for San Jose State University students. Each year over 300 students volunteer in 15 community-based sites, including mental health agencies, public schools and public hospitals that serve low income non-native speakers of English.
Director Social Action Research, Quick Response Grants, Natural Hazards Research and Application Center, University of Colorado, 1989-91.
Worked with community leaders to help communities recover from natural disasters, and direct care for patients.
Fellow in International Development, Kellogg Foundation, 1987-89.
Participated in six seminars on community development in various Latin American sites, established a community development project in Mexico City to help street educators increase vocational skills of street children, and received training in community mental health of disaster victims.
Fulbright Scholar, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1983-4.
Designed and developed teacher training program for street children. Led student research team on psycho-social circumstances of street children. Published Street Children of Cali (Duke University Press).
Community Development Volunteer, Partners of the Americas, 1981-85
Trained community leaders in Peru and Mexico City in working with volunteers to help street children and other children at risk.
Drug Education and Prevention Speaker, U.S. State Department, 1981-84.
Developed a series of lectures and seminars for educating parents, professionals, and community groups about drug abuse in several countries in Latin America.

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