Possible Topics for Paper 2
Since we had not covered the
Book of Job, the Prophets or the Tanak selections of Psalms and Proverbs, these
are possibilities for topics.
l. Go Marry a Harlot: Hosea
and Covenant as Marriage
2. Yahweh: God of a People,
God of All: the case of Second Isaiah
3. Is Woman Favored or
Ridiculed?: Varying Images of Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs
4. "Songs for All
Seasons" (focusing on the Psalms)
5. Job and the question of
intimacy with God
6. To Know Yahweh: Social
Justice and Temple Ritual
7. Why Have You Seduced
Me? The Burdens of a Prophet
8. The Image of the Pharisees
in Mark and Acts
9. Jesus and the Memory of
Jeremiah: Jer. 7 and Mark 11-13
10. The Beginning is Half of
the Whole: A Comparison of the opening three chapters of two of the gospels.
11. Jesus Cites Tanak: the
Gospel of Mark
12. Women in the Early Jesus
Movement: Mark and Acts
13. The Memory of a Trial and
Death: Matt. 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24
14. The Christian as
Interpreter: Luke 24. 13-53 and Acts 8. 26-40
15. Kashrut (Cleanliness),
Circumcision and Community in Acts
16. Paul and the Hardening of
Hearts: Romans 9-11
17. Making Distinctions: on
Eating, Dressing, and Eucharist: I Cor. 10-11
18. Rereading Tanak: Paul and
Christian Polemic: Gal. 4, 2 Cor. 3. 7-18
19. Order and Divisiveness in
the Community: I and II Timothy
20. The Wearying Wait: The
Theme of Endurance in the Apocalypse
21. New Jerusalem: The City
Remade -- Apocalypse 21-22.5
l. the genre of speeches/ the
role of interpretation of Tanak
2.the influence of the Holy
Spirit—how the presence of the Holy Spirit changes the
apostles/disciples; note Peter and Philip
3. the presence and roles of
women: particularly Mary, mother of Jesus; others include Tabitha (Dorcas),
4. the institution of deacons
– specifically Stephen
5. the case of Ananias and
6. Cornelius/Peter/ the clean
and the unclean
7. Philip and the Ethiopian
8. Saul/converted to Paul and
his role
9. “Bringing in the
10. Literary style of Luke:
dedication of the work to Theophilus; integration of speeches conveying what
Luke saw as the significance of the occasion and way of presenting what
Christianity is and was to be; more of an influence on history than a strictly
historical account;