Works Cited



Caudill, Rebecca.  Barrie and Daughter.  New York: The Viking Press, l943.


___.                 The Far-Off Land.  New York: The Viking Press, l964.


___.                 "The High Cost of Writing."  Cumberland, KY: the Southeast             Community College, the University of Kentucky, l965.


___.                 My Appalachia: A Reminiscence.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and                 Winston, l966.


___.                 Susan Cornish.  New York: The Viking Press, l955.


___.                 Tree of Freedom.  New York: The Viking Press, l956.


Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas.  The Trail on Which They Wept: The Story of a                  Cherokee Girl.  Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Press, l992.