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(PIN) The 1970 Plan for National Integration in Brazil |
Brazilian nationalists, both civilian and military, have long harbored
fears that unless Brazil integrates and develops its far-flung territories
it will lose them. In 1970, six years after the military takeover of
government in 1964, the Brazilian Government launched a program of
national integration under the slogan of Integrar Para Não
Entregar (To integrate in order not to forfeit). The PIN involved:
The Plan for National Integration (PIN) was probably initiated in 1970 because a severe drought in the Northeast in that year was creating extreme hardships. The government assistance program for the Northeast put 500,000 to work building roads. Later the Federal Government in Brasilia launched the national road-building program with the funding of BR 230, a three thousand mile road to lind the Northeast with Amazonias.
The year 1971 saw the creation of the First National Development Plan, the Amazon Development Plan and the Land Redistribution Program. Federal Government organizations were created to implement these plans. The Superintendency for the Development of Amazonia (Superintendéncia do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia SUDAM) was to handle the Amazon Development Plan. Formally the Land Redistribution Progam was the Programa de Redistribuiçáo de Terras e Estimulos à Agroindústria do Norte e Nordeste (PROTERRA). PROTERRA was not only involved in the redistribution of unutilized land but also in the promotion of agribusiness and the replacement of substistence farming with market-orient farming. This reflected a shift in official economic development strategy away from import-substitution development toward rural commercial development.
The task of assisting the settlement of migrant farmers along the new highways was given to INCRA, Instituto Nacional de Colonizaçáo e Reforma Agrária (the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform). A new road , BR 210 (the Perimetral Norte), was authorized to span 1700 miles along the northern bank of the Amazon River.
(To be continued.)
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