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Through Alpha Particle Emmission |
Nuclei are composed of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in variable proportions. There are almost three thousand nuclides that are stable enough to have their mass measured and their binding energies computed. But most are unstable. The following beautiful display from Wikipedia shows the nature of their instabilities.
As can be seen from the display, beyond proton number 82 the mode of decay is predominantly through the ejection of an alpha (α) particle. There are no stable particles in that range.
The ejection of an alpha particle occurs because its ejection results in an increase in binding energy.
What are sought here are the changes in binding energies involved in these ejections and demonstration that for the cases of nuclides in which alpha particle ejection does not occur it is because it would result in a decrease in binding energy. More basically the purpose of this material is to show the relationship between binding energy and the mode of radioactive decay.
The total binding energy of a nuclide includes the loss of potential energy that occurs when it is formed from its components, The only binding energy that is available is the binding energy based upon the mass deficits of nuclides. The mass deficit binding energies seem to be closely enough correlated with the binding energies based upon potential energy losses that they are adequate for carrying out empirical analysis.
For the decay by alpha particle ejection the relevant binding energies are:
The binding energy of the alpha particle He4, BE(2. 2), is 28.3 MeV.
The theory is that if the true change in binding energy for the transition is positive then alpha decay takes place. If it is not positive (negative or zero) then alpha decay does not take place. But the only binding energies available are those based upon mass deficits. They are correlated with those based upon total binding energies but the correlation is not perfect. The theory then is that if the change in the binding energy based upon mass deficits is strongly positive alpha decay will occur. If it is strongly negative then alpha decay will not occur. If it is small, say less than 1.0 MeV what occurs is uncertain.
What is given in the following table are the binding energies of decay products expressed in millions of electron volts (MeV) for an arbitrarily selected complete sequence of alpha particle decays.
Binding Energies for a Sequence of Possible Alpha Transitions | |||||
p | n | BE (MeV) | BE+α (MeV) | ΔBE for α tran (MeV) | α tran? |
104 | 160 | 1943.3 | |||
102 | 158 | 1923.14 | 1951.435674 | 8.135674 | Yes |
100 | 156 | 1902.543 | 1930.838674 | 7.698674 | Yes |
98 | 154 | 1881.275 | 1909.570674 | 7.027674 | Yes |
96 | 152 | 1859.196 | 1887.491674 | 6.216674 | Yes |
94 | 150 | 1836.062 | 1864.357674 | 5.161674 | Yes |
92 | 148 | 1812.432 | 1840.727674 | 4.665674 | Yes |
90 | 146 | 1788.1 | 1816.395674 | 3.963674 | Yes |
88 | 144 | 1763 | 1791.295674 | 3.195674 | Yes |
86 | 142 | 1737.5 | 1765.795674 | 2.795674 | Yes |
In each case the binding energy of a nuclide in one line is less than the binding energy of the decay products given in the column labeled BE+α in the line below it.
In contrast the nuclide Zr108 (p=40, n=68), which does not decay by alpha particle emission, has a BE of 892.3 MeV but its decay products would have a BE of only 854.1+28.3=882.4 MeV. Thus there is no alpha decay.
Similary the nuclide Nd160 (p=60, n=100), which does not decay by alpha particle emission, has a BE of 1291.6 MeV but its decay products would have a BE of 1259.2+28.3=1287.5 MeV. Thus again there is no alpha decay.
Here is the data for whole sequence of alpha transitions.
Binding Energies for a Sequence of Possible Alpha Transitions | |||||
p | n | BE (MeV) | BE+α (MeV) | ΔBE for α tran (MeV) | α tran? |
88 | 116 | 1571.67 | 1599.965674 | ||
86 | 114 | 1551.01 | 1579.305674 | 7.635674 | Yes |
84 | 112 | 1529.76 | 1558.055674 | 7.045674 | Yes |
82 | 110 | 1508.12 | 1536.415674 | 6.655674 | Yes |
80 | 108 | 1485.04 | 1513.335674 | 5.215674 | Yes |
78 | 106 | 1461.46 | 1489.755674 | 4.715674 | Yes |
76 | 104 | 1437.76 | 1466.055674 | 4.595674 | Yes |
74 | 102 | 1413.34 | 1441.635674 | 3.875674 | Yes |
72 | 100 | 1388.33 | 1416.625674 | 3.285674 | Yes |
70 | 98 | 1362.794 | 1391.089674 | 2.759674 | Yes |
68 | 96 | 1336.45 | 1364.745674 | 1.951674 | Yes |
66 | 94 | 1309.458 | 1337.753674 | 1.303674 | Yes |
64 | 92 | 1281.601 | 1309.896674 | 0.438674 | Uncertain |
62 | 90 | 1253.108 | 1281.403674 | -0.197326 | Uncertain |
60 | 88 | 1225.032 | 1253.327674 | 0.219674 | Uncertain |
58 | 86 | 1197.335 | 1225.630674 | 0.598674 | Uncertain |
56 | 84 | 1169.449 | 1197.744674 | 0.409674 | Uncertain |
54 | 82 | 1141.877 | 1170.172674 | 0.723674 | Uncertain |
52 | 80 | 1109.942 | 1138.237674 | -3.639326 | No |
50 | 78 | 1077.35 | 1105.645674 | -4.296326 | No |
48 | 76 | 1040 | 1068.295674 | -9.054326 | No |
46 | 74 | 1003.3 | 1031.595674 | -8.404326 | No |
44 | 72 | 966.9 | 995.195674 | -8.104326 | No |
42 | 70 | 930 | 958.295674 | -8.604326 | No |
40 | 68 | 892.3 | 920.595674 | -9.404326 | No |
38 | 66 | 854.1 | 882.395674 | -9.904326 | No |
For nuclides on the borderline between alpha particle ejection and no alpha particle ejection the result of the analysis is ambiguous. The nuclide Hg200 (p=80, n=120) has a BE of 1581.2 MeV whereas that of its supposed products of decay would be 1581.9 MeV. The result indicates there would be essentially no impulse for alpha decay.
Binding Energies for a Sequence of Possible Alpha Transitions | |||||
p | n | BE (MeV) | BE+α (MeV) |
ΔBE for α tran (MeV) | α tran? |
80 | 120 | 1581.197 | Probably not | ||
78 | 118 | 1553.619 | 1581.914674 | 0.717674 | Probably not |
76 | 116 | 1526.117 | 1554.412674 | 0.793674 | Probably not |
74 | 114 | 1498.184 | 1526.479674 | 0.362674 | Probably not |
72 | 112 | 1470.29 | 1498.585674 | 0.401674 | Probably not |
70 | 110 | 1442.5 | 1470.795674 | 0.505674 |
As suggested above, any conflict with theory could arise from using binding energy based only upon the mass deficit rather than total binding energy.
A nuclide decays by alpha particle ejection when the binding energy of its decay products is greater than its binding energy. In other words, nuclides transition to increase binding energy.
(To be continued.)
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