Thayer Watkins
Exercises for Econ 196E
Exercise 0
Part I: A Webpage on the Albanian Economy
Use Notepad to prepare an HTML file for a webpage on the economy of Albania.
- Include the data on population, etc in the form of a table
with a yellow background.
- Include the map of Albania which is on your 3.5 in disk in Drive A:
as the file albania.jpg.
- Use the tags to give different size headings for the
various sections of your page.
- Give your webpage a pink background.
You do not have to include all the information which is in the handout for
Part II: The Procedure and Limitation in the Use of Microsoft Word
for Preparing HTML files
- Type the text of your webpage on the Albanian economy into Microsoft
Word and save it as an HTML file.
- Note the things you cannot easily do
when using MS Word for creating an HTML file.
- Use Notepad to examine the HTML file created by MS WORD and see if you
can make changes to modify the webpage's appearance.
- Open MS Excel and type in the data for the table you constructed for
the Albanian economy. Save the Excel file as an HTML file and try to
incorporate this table into the MS WORD HTML file.
Exercise 1
Prepare a webpage on an economics topic or theme using whatever HTML tags
are appropriate. Consult the Primer on HTML for guidance.
Exercise 2
Develop a presentation on an economics topic using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Exercise 3
Prepare Microsoft Word document files for:
- A conversion of a 17th century document on
the transition of Plymouth Plantation
from communal farming to individual family farming
- An explanation of the bountiful harvest of the Pilgrims
that led to the American celebration of Thanksgiving
- An explanation of the relationship between property value
and the tax rate, using Microsoft's Equation Editor.
Exercise 4
Develop a set of spread sheets on
an economic topic using Microsoft Excel.
Develop a set of graphs on economic subjects using
Excel or Quattro Pro.
Exercise 5
- Develop a database on economic and social characteristics of U.S. states
using Microsoft Access.
- Use SQL (Structured Query Language) to extract items of
information from the database you constructed for
Exercise 5.
Exercise 6
Develop a database and statistical analysis of
economic and social characteristics from a survey
using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Exercise 7