Thayer Watkins

Office: DMH 214
Hrs: MWF 1330-1530
Tel. (408) 924-5420

Econ 166
Urban Economics

TEXTBOOK: John F. MacDonald, Fundamentals of Urban Economics

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A urban economy is a system; i.e., an entity made up of separate parts that interact and adjust. The purpose of this course is to study the parts of a urban economy and how they fit together. One aspect of this is the spatial economics of an urban system. As one economist, Edgar Hoover, puts it, "What is where and why--and so what?" There is an emphasis in urban economics on relating locational decisions to economic models of behavior and market structures.

The pillars of urban economic analysis are:

Parallel with the study of the theory and methods of analysis there will be a survey of the major cities of the U.S. and the world. Some of these cities are noted in the Schedule shown below, but there will be others provided in class.

GRADING: Grades will be based upon two midterm examinations, one final examination, and homework assignments. Each midterm examination will count 20 percent, the comprehensive final examination will count 40 percent and homework will count 20 percent. The examinations are of the multiple choice type except for makeup examinations, which are of the essay type. Makeup examinations are given only on the last day of the final exam period. Homework will included preparing two webpages. Instruction and guidance on preparing the webpage assignments will be given in class.

Tentative Schedule
WeekReading Homework
1 UE Ch 1,2
Primer on HTML
p. 16, Ex 1
2 UE Ch 3,Calcutta p. 54, Exs 1-3
3UE Ch 4, Pittsburgh p. 77 Ex 1
4 UE Ch 5, Detroit p.111 Exs 1-2
5UE Ch 6, Salt Lake City p.130 Ex 1
First Midterm
6 UE Ch 7 p.162, Exs 1-2
7 UE Ch 8 p. 201 Exs 3-4
8 UE Ch 9 p. 252 Ex 2
9 UE Ch 10 p. 289 Exs 1-3
10 UE Ch 11,
Political Machines
p. 334 Exs 1-2
Second Midterm
11 UE Ch 12 p. 368 Ex 3
12 UE Ch 13 p. 401 Ex 1-3
13 UE Ch 14p. 440 Ex 1
14 UE Ch 15 p. 460 Ex 1
15 UE Ch 16 p. 504 Exs 1-3
Final Examination