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Average Intellectual Abilities
of Males and Females:
Gender Equality or
Gender Complementality

The intolerant religion which has evolved from progressive liberalism steadfastly maintains that there can be no significant differences in the average intellectual abilities of the different human groups. Any statement to the contrary, even backed by scientific evidence, is attributed to the evil sin of racism and should be punished.

James Watson was one of the codiscoverers of the structure of DNA. He was in great demand as a paid lecturer . That was until he mentioned that a major human population has a significantly lower average I.Q. than the general population. Watson said that after he made that statement the requests for him to give lectures suddenly stopped. The progressive liberals did not argue with him about the evidence; they simply shut off a significant source of income for him.

When it comes to gender differences in intellectual abilities progressive liberals must maintain that there are none. But it is well established that males do better on mathematical geometrical topics and females do better on verbal social topics. Progressive liberals ignore these differences and say male and female are essentially equal instead of saying it is a matter of apples and oranges.

But by focusing on equality progressive liberals miss the profound fact that male and female abilities are complementary. Even more profound is the realization that as far as Nature is concerned the fundamental unit of the human race is not the human individual but instead is the human couple. It is the human couple tthat governs reproduction and survival of the species. It is very natural that gender complementarity should have arisen. A couple with gender complementarity has a better chance of surviving and raising its family than with gender equality of abilities. population groups.


Let p i, j be the proportion of human couples ln which the male has the male genetic profile i and the female has the female genetic profile j. There are only two genetic profile for each gender: the regular (unenhanced) and the enhanced. The enhancements go in different directions for the male and the female. The unenhanced is denoted as 0 and the enhanced as 1. The probabilitied are {p0,1, p1,0, p1,1}.

There is another set of probabilities involved. Let Pi,j be the probability that the chilren of a couple with characteristics ij will survive to adulthood. Let P1,1 be largest of the largest of the probabilities and P0,0 the smallest. To keep matters simple let us presume that P1,0=P0,1.

We have to work through what happens to proportions of the population having the various genetic characterics from one generation to the next.

The males with characteristic 1 get to participate in the situation involving the highesr survival rate P1,1 whereas those with characteristic 0 are forced to participate in the situation involving the lowest survival rate P0,0. Thus the proportion of the male population having characteristic 1 increases from one generation to the next until the whole population has characteristic 1.

The same thing happens among the female population. Thus the higher survival rate for gender complementarity ultimately results in it dominating the genetics of the population.

Detailed Population Dynamics

The probability of a male in the present generation having characteristic 0 is

p0,0 + p0,1

The probability of a male in the next generation having characteristic 0 is

p0,0P0,0 + p0,1P0,1

Since P0,0≤1 and P0,1≤1 there will not be an increase in the probability of a male having characteristic 0.

The decrease in the probability of a male having characteristic 0 is

p0,0(1 − P0,0) + p0,1(1 − P0,1)

A quantity (1 − Pi,j) is the probability that the progeny of a couple of chsracteristic (i,j) will not survive to adulthood.

On the other hand, the probability of a male in the next generation having characteristic 1 is

p1,0P1,0that + p1,1P1,1

and the decrease in that proportion will be

p1,0(1 − P1,0) + p1,1(1 − P1,1)

The proportions displayed together are

p0,0P0,0 + p0,1P0,1
p0,0 + p0,1

p1,0P1,0 + p1,1P1,1
p1,0 + p1,1

The proportion of males with characteristic 0 in the next generation is a weighted average of P0,0 and P0,1 wheras those with characteristic 1 in the next generation is a weighted average of P1,0 and P1,1. Since P0,0<P1,1 and if P0,1 = P1,0 then proportion of males with characteristic 0 in the next generation is less than the proportion with characteristic 1 in the next generation

Thus the proportion of the male population having characteristic 1 increases from one generation to the next until the whole population has characteristic 1.

The same thing happens among the female population. Thus the higher survival rate for gender complementarity ultimately results in it dominating the genetics of the population.

(To be continued.)


In populations in which the progeny derive from two genders evolution will produce gender complementarity.

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