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The most relevant statistics on output are for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Japanese yen. The conversion into US dollars is of interest for comparison but the dollar/yen conversion factor, which fluctuates, introduces an element of variation that is not due to fluctuations in real output.
Gross Domestic Product in Japan
in Japanese Yen |
YEAR | GDP current prices (billions of yen) |
GDP 1990 prices (billions of yen) |
1987 | 349,760 | 368,906 |
1988 | 373,973 | 391,808 |
1989 | 399,998 | 410,282 |
1990 | 430,040 | 430,040 |
1991 | 458,299 | 446,371 |
1992 | 471,064 | 450,981 |
1993 | 475,381 | 452,339 |
1994 | 479,260 | 455,254 |
1995 | 483,220 | 461,951 |
1996 | 499,861 | 480,073 |
1997 | 507,271 | 484,379 |
1998 | 514,595 | 494,847 |
1999 | 495,227 | 468,421 |
2000 | 501,068 | 481,692 |
2001 | 496,777 | 482,560 |
2002 | 489,618 | 483,715 |
2003 | 490,544 | 490,788 |
2004 | 496,058 | 504,129 |
2005 | 502,457 | 513,630 |
It must be noted that there was a major revision in the estimates of Japanese GDP presented by the IMF. Below is shown the values as of July 2005 and as of February 2007.
Year | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 |
As of July 2005 | 514.6 | 507.2 | 511.5 | 505.8 | 498.3 | 497.8 | NA | NA |
As of February 2007 | NA | 495.2 | 501.1 | 496.8 | 489.6 | 490.5 | 496.1 | 502.5 |
Not having the revised figure for 1998 creates a spurious drop in real GDP from 1998 to 1999. Nevertheless the above statistics are presented below:
Even with the statistical shortcomings of the data the picture of what has been happening to the Japanese economy is discernible. The strong growth of the 1980's disappeared about 1990. During the 1990's the economy had no trend; it went up and down without establishing a trend. In 2003 the Japanese economy began to grow again and apparently is back on track after the collapse of the Bubble Economy.
Gross Domestic Product in Japan
in US dollars |
YEAR | GDP current prices (millions US$) |
GDP 1990 prices (millions US$) |
1987 | 2418139 | 2538544 |
1988 | 2918246 | 2695802 |
1989 | 2899379 | 2826049 |
1990 | 2970093 | 2970093 |
1991 | 3407114 | 3087604 |
1992 | 3725205 | 3120147 |
1993 | 4275525 | 3124135 |
1994 | 4687133 | 3139099 |
1995 | 5217573 | 3168143 |
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