San José State University |
---| Thayer Watkins Silicon Valley & Tornado Alley USA |
Most of my web pages are of material from books I have read. This started with providing summaries for the students in my courses at San Jose State University. Originally these were in the form of hard copy paper handouts. This form required my having to brings copies to class several times to make sure everyone got their copy. When the internet became available it was a relief for me. I no longer had to keep extra copies of handouts. Up to that time my office was buried in old copies of course handouts. With the internet everything for the courses was online.
However along the way I had some original thoughts and carried out some original analysis. There are quite a number of these on my website.
The repulsion of like nucleons and the attraction of unlike nucleons is explained by the proton and neutron each possessing a charge with respect to the nuclear strong force and those charges being of opposite sign. If that charge for the proton is taken as unity the best estimate of the charge of a neutron is −2/3. This estimate is based upon regression analyses that explain upwards of 99.9 percent of the variation in the binding energy of nuclides.
where J is the moment of inertia of the nucleus, ω is the rate of rotation in radians per second,
h is Planck's Constant divided by 2π and I is an integer.
This formula implies the extremely high rate of rotation for a deuteron of several billion trillion rotations per second. However the measured magnetic moment of a deuteron implies a rate of rotation of 1/137th of that amount. This is still extremely high but is based upon an empirical measurement.
It is consistent with the Bohr-Mottelson formula more properly being
where q is the quantum constant for the nuclear force field. The quantum constant for a force
field is inversely proportional to its dimensionless coupling constant. The coupling constant for the electromagnetic
field is approximately 1/137 and that of the nuclear force approximately 1. Therefore
Planck's constant is therefore the quantum constant only for the electromagnetic field.
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