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What Benefits Would the Confirmation of
the Supersymmetry Model Bring to Physics?
Despite the absence of any physical confirmation of the Supersymmetry Model its advocates continue to support it on the
basis that its validity would explain certain things that the Standard Model does not cover. However recent experiments
revealed that a particular meson can decay into two muons, as predicted by the Standard Model, but the results were not
modified in the way they would have been if the Supersymmetry Model were true. Nevertheless here are the things that
keep the true believers in the Supersymmetry Model faithful.
- The Higgs field provides an explanation for some particles having mass, but the Standard Model cannot account for the interaction
that generates that mass. In 1982 some physicists discovered that the Standard Model extended with the Supersymmetry Model
would account for those interactions. However for this extention to work it was necessary for the top quark to have a much
larger mass than the other quarks. Later, in the 1990's, when the mass of the top quark was determined, it was indeed much
larger than that of the other quarks.
- The Supersymmetry Standard Model provides an explanation of why the scale of particles is on the order of 10−17 m
rather than the Planck scale of 10−35 m.
- The electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear forces are vastly different in magnitude at the nuclear scale. According to the Standard
Model they would become closer in magnifude at smaller distances, but would not necessarily all become equal. The Supersymmetry
Standard Model provides a basis for them becoming equal at a scale about one hundred times the Planck scale.
- Almost all of the particles posited by the Supersymmetry Model would be unstable. Each one, except the lightess one, would decay into
lighter particles. The lightess supersymmetric particle (LSP) has no particle to decay into. All of the mass of the supersymmetry particles
would end up in the form of LSP's. The LSP would be a candidate for dark matter because it would not be subject to the electromagnetic
- Explanations for the Higgs field interactions other than the Supersymmetry Model predict larger deviations of measurements from those predicted
by the Standard Model. There are no deviations of measurements from what are predicted by the Standard Model.
- The Supersymmetry Model suggests that the force of gravity can be unified with the electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear forces.
The Standard Model has no basis for such unification.
- String Theory implies supersymmetry. (This may be a case of the lame supporting the lame.)
- The Supersymmetry Model provides the possibility of investigating physics at the Planck scale.
- The Supersymmetry Model may provide some insight into why the Universe is primarily made up of matter as opposed to anti-matter.
- The Supersymmetry Model may provide some insight into whether or not protons decay.
Gordon Kane, Supersymmetry, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, Mass., 2000.