San Jos� State University - URBP 213
Professor Asha W. Agrawal - Fall 2008

Freewriting Homework Assignment

(Due in class September 24/25)

1) Read the excerpts from the book Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath available at OR listen to a 40 minute interview with Chip Health about the book available from the radio program "Tech Nation," at

2) Read the essay on "freewriting," by Peter Elbow (this reading will be distributed in class on September 17/18). 

3) Do a 10-minute freewrite in which you start with the question, "How can I apply the ideas from Heath and Heath to make my Presentation 1 more persuasive?" You may hand write or type this assignment, whichever is easier for you.


I will collect your freewrite in class and grade it either a check or a zero, based on whether or not you did the exercise. Note that I will not grade the memo on the content of what you write, since that is not the point of a freewriting exercise.

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Page last updated 16 September 2008