Tiny Logo for Comm 105 Dr. Andrew Wood
Office: HGH 210; phone: (408) 924-5378
Email: wooda@email.sjsu.edu
Web: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda


Unannounced Quizzes: 100 points

To inspire you to read and retain the material we cover in this class, I will conduct seven brief multiple-choice quizzes. Each quiz will be designed to test only that you've read and considered the reading for that day. I will only use your four top scores for this component. Quizzes may not be made up.

Response Papers (Choose two of three)

Group Presentation: 200 points

In small groups, you will identify a specific challenge facing a city or region of California, focusing on the relationship between self and society. Topics might include taxation policies that pit economic classes against one another, urban renewal plans that displace ethnic groups, gang activities that replace (for some) an otherwise declining family life, or the struggle to maintain a sense of community in Silicon Valley. Each group member will be responsible for collecting five separate pieces of evidence that relate to the group project. Groups will present 30-45 minute oral presentations outlining the problem, explaining its causes, and proposing specific and realistic solutions. Group members will also co-author a 7-10 page essay that summarizes their presentation. Particularly impressive group efforts will be published in Woz Way, a departmental journal of cultural geography. See Grading Criteria to learn more about completing this assignment.

Final Examination: 100 points

The final examination offers an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the material discussed in this class through multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions. I will offer a thorough review.

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