Dr. Andrew Wood Office: HGH 210; phone: (408) 924-5378 Email: wooda@email.sjsu.edu Web: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda |
We witness a retreat from the romantic ideal of public life. The Depression and impending war has shaken American notions of community to their core. Arcadian promises of open vistas and peaceful concord between self and society are bypassed as corporate and government planners focus the nation's attention to the "world of tomorrow." Doubts about our ability to construct a better world are silenced; they must be, if the nation can face the adversaries of self-doubt within and totalitarianism abroad.
Readings: Kihlstedt, Gelernter, Exposition Publications, and General Motors
Suggested Reading: Wood's New York's 1939-1940 World's Fair.
Viewing: The World of Tomorrow
Notes: Gelernter - Fair Theme Center and Futurama
Supplemental Website: Wood's Images from the 1939-40 New York World's Fair
Supplemental Website: Images from the 1933-34 Century of Progress Fair
Off-campus webpages
National Public Radio Morning Edition, Our Vision of the Future including an interview with Dr. Andrew Wood
St. Petersburg Times, Tomorrowland - "The future, like just about everything else, is owned and operated by the world's corporate and government power brokers. It's a future filled with products -- a better this, a smaller that, a quicker whatever."
Note: These pages exist outside of San Jose State University servers and their content is not endorsed by the page maintainer or any other university entity. These pages have been selected because they may provide some guidance or insight into the issues discussed in class. Because one can never step into the same electronic river twice, the pages may or may not be available when you request them. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Dr. Andrew Wood.