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Dr. Andrew Wood
Office: HGH 210; phone: (408) 924-5378

Augmentation of Public Life

"Existing outside the art world’s hierarchies and the strictures of formal academic training, graffiti writers have the freedom to put forward their own vision of contemporary art. They work without permission and financial backing and, consequently, without compromise. They adhere to the edict that “anyone can be an artist” by developing a personal, memorable style."

- Kristine Somerville, "The Urban Canvas"


We explore tactics for transforming public life by augmentation, considering the rhetoric of "layers" that may provide material disruptions, incursions, and alternatives to even the most unyielding places.

Dr. Wood's Additional Resources

Should roadside memorials be banned?

Street art and public life

Street art collection

Image Credit

Homies Organizing the Mission to Empower Youth [Andrew Wood, Photographer]