Grading Criteria for Spatial Analysis
This four to five page paper must be typed, double-spaced, stapled, and employ professional margins and fonts (12 point, please). Do not go under or over the page length if you wish to earn full credit. Assuming that you've met the basic requirements for this paper, full credit depends upon excellence along these criteria:
- Essay is grounded in a wide range of texts. Specifically cite at least three separate resources to support your analysis. Classroom notes should offer background to your research, but do not count as cited evidence. You may use outside citations, but the bulk of your evidence should employ classroom readings.
- Essay is well organized. Employ attention-grabbing introduction and thesis, clear forecast, specific transitions, complete review, and thought-provoking conclusion.
- Essay paragraphs are well structured, logically organized, and packed with information. Think of the topic and conclusion sentences as pieces of homemade bread for a sandwich. We need lots of meat (or veggies, or whatever) between the bread to make a tasty paragraph. Pay very close attention to your topic sentences, ensuring that they relate to your thesis and provide an overview for your paragraphs. Also, keep in mind that USA-Today style paragraphs, or paragraphs lasting a page or more, risk the appearance of being poorly developed.
- Essay is free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Use one of the newer word processors (such as Microsoft Word) that offer spell and grammar check. Also, feel free to share your draft with a friend to get advice. Of course, I will be pleased to examine drafts and provide comments - though I expect that you will edit your work carefully before sharing it with me. Keep in mind that the closer to deadline you provide your manuscript, the less time I'll have to examine your work.
[Spatial Analysis]