These are the major terms and concepts I want you to master for the upcoming examination. Please remember that this review is designed to highlight ideas and concepts that will be found on the test. It is not complete and will be revised until the week before the examination. The review does not include every word that will appear on the exam; it merely serves to guide your study of the texts, notes, web resources, and other materials employed throughout this course.
NVC codes
NVC extent
Kinesics origins
Five types of kinesics
Research about parental and teacher perceptions of physical appearance
Perrett and colleagues' research into feminized male faces
Edward Hall's proxemic categories
Three components of territorial behavior
Nonverbal cues of involvement, affiliation, liking
Traits of effective deceivers
Strategic and unstrategic leakage
Limitations of behavioral and familial deception detection
Cultural Time Systems (Technical, Formal, Informal)
Definition and purpose of semiotics
Unlimited Semiosis
Three types of signs
Liminal space
Hot vs. cool media
Place-based advertising (PBA)
Shift in PBA from public to private to public
Four goals of PBA
Eliade's notion of the sacred and the profane
Hierophanic space
Three types of sacred space
Three steps of pilgrimage
Traditional monuments vs. fluid locales
Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase
[Check your grades]