The Body: Proxemics and Haptics
Reading: Argyle (168-187); Axtell (42-47)
Viewing: The Accidental Tourist
Informed by Edward Hall's studies of the perception and use of space in social relationships, we examine contemporary topics including air rage and feng shui. We also explore the role of touch in contemporary society and the ways in which human contact is authorized and regulated.
Off-campus webpages
Personal-space invaders, Jon Bowen: "You're sitting alone in your local coffeehouse sipping a double-mocha whatever, savoring the flawless prose of your new favorite novelist - enjoying your solitude immensely - when all of a sudden a clueless, brain-dead oaf plods over and plops his unwelcome ass at your table. He snaps open his newspaper, sneezes profusely, kicks you under the table without noticing. Within seconds, a fountain of rage is bubbling up inside you. Your heart races, you feel feverish. This common form of social altercation - let's call it Personal Space Invasion Syndrome (PSIS) - has emerged as a malady of epidemic proportions. And if allowed to rage unchecked, PSIS can undermine your health."
Note: These pages exist outside of San Jose State University servers and their content is not endorsed by the page maintainer or any other university entity. These pages have been selected because they may provide some guidance or insight into the issues discussed in class. Because one can never step into the same electronic river twice, the pages may or may not be available when you request them. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Dr. Andrew Wood.