That news ought to settle one question -- quick! How to go. For who'd dream now of driving the family car through New York's dense traffic -- and hunting for a place to park among its skyscrapers?
Particularly when it costs so little to go by The Direct Route. So abandon all thought of the car. Be free of responsibility. Go direct . . . right to the Grounds!
For your travel comfort from west or south, the largest fleet of air-conditioned trains in the world, carrying both coaches and Pullmans. Go in the very style of Tomorrow, if you wish -- the Fleet of Modernism.
See "Two Fairs for One Fare"
Grand Circle Tours. From any point in the United States you can go to both New York World's Fair and Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, for $90 coach fare, $135 rail fare in Pullmans. Special Pullman fares, too; for example: lower berth (for 1 or 2) only $45 for the round trip. Stop-overs permitted.