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Day 15, Aug. 21, 2002 - Wednesday

Today was a sad day for the Wood family. We had to get on a sad airplane and come home. But, before we did that, we enjoyed a few more hours in Kauai. We got up early, about 5:45, so that we could catch the sunrise. We're glad we did, too because it was beautiful! I am not one for sunrises because you have to get up early for them so this one was pretty spectacular for me. We sat and relaxed and watched the little crabs dig their holes on the beach. They'd come out of their hole with a clump of sand and then walk sideways a few steps and then throw the sand into a pile. Adorable. We watched the sunrise for about 45 minutes. After that, it was time for breakfast. Usually, we would get some fruit to go but today we sat and took our time eating and I had an egg and bacon and toast. Yum! Andy had a waffle and Vienna stuck with fruit. While we were eating, we enjoyed a couple of kittie visitors that came in from outside the restaurant. They were very sweet as long as they thought you would feed them. Of course we loved them because we are totally cat people.

Anyway, then it was about time to take off for the airport. The one good thing about the trip home, aside from the fact that it was uneventful, was that they played Spiderman as the movie on the plane. We got in about 7:15 California time and home by 10:40 after dinner at Red Lobster, again. We were so happy to see our kitties and they were happy to see us! Also waiting for us at home was the second season of the Simpsons that Andy ordered before we left. Yay! So, we watched the first episode before hitting the sack. Tomorrow it's back to the old work-a-day world. Nooo! "I wanna go back to my little grass shack!" We are looking forward to going back to Hawaii again, one day. Next time it's Maui and the Big Island!




Writing by Jenny Wood ~ Web Design by Andy Wood