Dr. Andrew Wood Office: HGH 210; Phone: (408) 924-5378 Email: wooda@email.sjsu.edu Web: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda |
Review Sheet
Pascal's Wager
Flaws in Pascal's wager, described by Travis (False dilemma, What if God only rewards deeds? What if God doesn't respect faith based on rational equation? Who says that the Christian God is the correct one?)
Predestination vs. choice
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Cafeteria (shopping mall) religion
Classical notions of soul (teleology)
Modern notions of soul (Machiavelli's Armed Prophet)
Postmodern notions of soul ("death of the author")
State of Nature according to Hobbes
Buddhism: first of the four noble truths
Mimetic vs. Social Constructionist approaches toward representation
Documentary photography and "truth" (Migrant Mother)
Semiotic analysis
Nietzsche: appearance vs. will
Nietzsche: Master morality vs. slave morality
Nietzsche: Ubermensch
Lisa and the state of the American intellectual
The Enlightenment
Populism and the New York World's Fair
(seek modest pleasure/avoid pain)
Intrinsic vs. Instrumental Goodness
Kant's categorical imperative
Kant's struggle of two opposing forces (duty and desire)
Rhetoric (Aristotle's definition, current applications)
Kenneth Burke's motive-view of human communication
Eudaimonia (Aristotle): doing rather than merely being
Golden Mean
Rejection of Divine Command
Five Just War Principles (just cause, proper authority, right intention, chance for success, ends proportional to means)
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