Saturday, August 5, 2000

Vienna and I awoke early to help brush the horses before the day's rides. I had wanted to do a lot of helping around the ranch but this was not that kind of ranch so I helped as much as I could with the horses. Vienna and I had never done this, before so it was new to both of us. Vienna did about two horses before she pooped out and got bored. I stuck it out and really enjoyed learning the right way to brush a horse. You feed the horse first, (we were not able to help with this because the horses get a little crazy before they eat) then you brush them before you saddle them up. It is important to brush them so that there are no burs or sticks in their fur under the saddle and straps. This could hurt the horse and in turn anyone possibly riding the horse at the time. When brushing the horse, you need to brush with the grain of the fur and get as much dust and burs out that you can. Also, don't make any sudden moves around the horse's face. They don't like that. Anyway, I enjoyed brushing the horses. It made me feel like a real ranch worker who works before breakfast. I felt like I earned my great meal of eggs, thick-sliced bacon, biscuits and gravy and fruit.

After breakfast, I took a quick snooze before our first ride at 9:30. Don't real ranch workers always take naps after breakfast? The three of us all rode on the first ride in the morning. Vienna rode on Studmuffin (we didn't ask where the name came from, this is a family vacation), Andy rode Big Red and I was on Bolt which I had brushed earlier. Andy said that he and his horse had a bit of a "Shining" going on. He felt very in synch with the horse and the horse worked well with him. Vienna loved Studmuffin so much that she chose to ride him again later in the day. I liked Bolt, but I didn't get the feeling he liked me. He kept moving to the side of the trail where I would run into branches. We all had a good time and our behinds were nicely sore by the end of the ride. Andy and I were done for the day in terms of riding but Vienna was raring to go again. We decided that maybe after lunch I would go again with her. The rest of the morning, we spent in the pool and in the "rec room" playing ping-pong and pool.

Lunch was great, too. Homemade Chicken fried steak, a Texas specialty. I really have had some great chicken fried steak since I have been in Texas. Andy is not real fond of the stuff but he enjoyed it as much as he could. After lunch (and another quick snooze), Vienna and I were off on another ride. This time it was hotter but we had fun. We were both on the same horses as in the morning and I seemed to get along better with Bolt. I took more control of him, guiding him back on track when he took me toward hazards. He seemed to appreciate the leadership and we got along fine.

After the ride, Vienna and I got to go with a group to a nearby river to go tubing. It was a lot of fun, especially since the water is low and really didn't go anywhere. So we floated around in the lovely river but didn't go very far, so we didn't really have to walk back. That is always the best way. There was even a rope swing that Vienna swung off of a couple of times. The scenery was beautiful and very tranquil.

We got back just in time for dinner of BBQ Chicken and sausage, another Texas specialty. It was great. I really ate too much on this vacation. The evening was spent in the rec room and just hanging around the ranch while others went to another rodeo. This was a great day in the country. We really enjoyed the change of pace and change of activities.