Tax Reform Hearings of the 118th Congress
Below are links to these hearings, categorized as follows:
Professor Nellen's Major Federal Tax Reform Website - click here.
Tax Reform Hearings of prior Congresses: 117th 116th 115th 114th 113th 112th 111th 110th
Tax Reform In General
- HCOB, Soundng the Alarm: Pathways and Possible Solutions to the U.S. Fiscal Crisis, 12/11/24
- SBHUA, Tax Policy in 2025: Implications for the American Economy, 11/20/24
- JEC, Building on the Success of TCJA: The 2025 Tax Policy Debate, 11/19/24
- SBHUA, The Macroeconomic Impacts of Potential Tax Reform in 2025, 9/18/24
- SFC, The 2025 Tax Policy Debate and Tax Avoidance Strategies, 9/12/24
- JCT, Present Law and Background on the Income Taxation of High Income and High Wealth Taxpayers, JCX-47-24 (9/10/24)
- HWM, Field Hearing on The Success of Pro-Growth, Pro-Worker Tax Policy in the American Midwest, 8/16/24
- SFC, Tax Tools for Local Economic Development, 7/30/24
- SBC, Making Wall Street Pay Its Fair Share: Raising Revenue, Strengthening Our Economy, 6/12/24
- SFC, Child Savigs Accounts and Other Tax-Advantaged Accounts Benefiting American Children, 5/21/24
- HWM, Field Hearing on Creating More Opportunity and Prosperity in the American Rust Belt, 5/20/24
- HWM, Field Hearing on Empowering Native American and Rural Communities, 5/10/24
- HWM, Expanding on the Success of the 2017 Tax Relief to Help Hardworking Americans, 4/11/24
- SFC, American Made: Growing U.S. Manufacturing Through the Tax Code, 3/12/24
- JEC, The Fiscal Situation of the United States, 3/12/24
- HWM, Markup of H.R. 7024, the "Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024"
- HWM, Tax Policies to Expand Economic Growth and Increase Prosperity for American Families, 12/6/23
- SBC, Fairness and Fiscal Responsibility: Cracking Down on Wealthy Tax Cheats, 11/8/23
- SFC, Examining How the Tax Code Affects High-Income Individuals and Tax Planning Strategies, 11/9/23
- JCT, Present Law and Background on the Income Taxation of High Income and High Wealth Taxpayers, JCX-51-23 (11/7/23)
- HWM, The Employee Retention Tax Credit Experience: Confusion, Delays, and Fraud, 7/27/23
- SFC, Assessing 25 Years of the Child Tax Credit (1997-2022), 7/13/23
- HCOB, Reigniting American Growth and Prosperity Series: Incentivizing Economic Excellence Through Tax Policy, 6/22/23
- SFC, Anti-Poverty and Family Support Provisions in the Tax Code, 6/14/23
- SBC, The Rich Get Richer, Deficits Get Bigger: How Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and Corporations Drive the National Debt, 5/17/23
- SBC, A Rigged System: The Cost of Tax Dodging by the Wealthy and Big Corporations, 4/18/23
- SFC, Tax Policy's Role in Increasing Affordable Housing Supply for Working Families, 3/7/23
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International Considerations
- SBC, Sunny Places for Shady People: Offshore Tax Evasion by the Welathy and Corporations, 4/10/24
- HWM, OECD Pillar 1: Ensuring the Biden Administration Puts Americans First, 3/7/24
- JCT, Background and Analysis of the Taxation of Multinational Enterprises and the Potential Reallocation of Taxing Rights under the OECD's Pillar One, JCX-7-24 (3/5/24)
- SBC, The Great Tax Escape: Closing Corporate Lopholes that Reward Offshoring Jobs and Profits, 1/17/24
- HWM, Biden's Global Tax Surrender Harms American Workers and Our Economy, 7/19/23
- SFC, Cross-border Rx: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and U.S. International Tax, 5/11/23
Estate Tax Reform
Small Business Taxation
- SFC, Providing Small Business Relief from Remote Sales Tax Collection, 9/25/24
- HCEW, Unlocking Opportunity: Allowing Independent Contractors to Access Benefits, 4/11/24
- HSBC, Tax Day: Exploring the Advrse Effects of High Taxes and a Complex Tax Code, 4/10/24
- SFC and SSBE, Tackling Tax Complexity: The Small Business Perspective, 6/7/23
- HSBC, American Ingenuity: Promoting Innovation Through the Tax Code, 6/6/23
Retirement Savings and Social Security
Environment/Energy/Transportation / Infrastructure Tax Considerations
- CHA, Congress in a Post-Chevron World, 7/23/24
- HAC, Fiscal Year 2025 Request for the IRS with witness Commissioner Werfel, 5/7/24
- SFC, The President's Fiscal Year 2025 IRS Budget and the IRS 2024 Filing, 4/16/24
- HWM, Commissioner of the IRS, Daniel Werfel, 2/15/24
- OGR, Oversight of the IRS, 10/24/23
- HWM, The Employee Retention Tax Credit Experience: Confusion, Delays, and Fraud, 7/27/23
- HWM, Accountability and Transparency at the IRS with IRS Commissioner Werfel, 4/27/23
- SFC, The President's FY 2024 IRS Budge and the IRS's 2023 Filing Season, 4/19/23
- SFC, House Republican Supplemental IRS Funding Cuts: Analyzing the Impact on Federal LAw Enforcement and the Federal Deficit, 5/16/23
- HWM, The Greatest Theft of Taxpayer Dollars: Unchecked Unemployment Fraud, 2/8/23
Tax Exempt Entities
- HWM, Growth of the Tax-Exempt SEctor and the Impact on the American Political Landscape, 12/13/23
- HWM, From Ivory Towers to Dark Corners: Investigating the Nexus Between Antisemitism, Tax-Exempt Universities, and Terror Financing, 11/15/23
- HWM, Tax-Exempt Hospitals and the Community Benefit Standard, 4/26/23
- HWM, Social Security Fundamentals: A Fact-Based Foundation, 4/26/23
State Tax Reform
SFC = Senate Finance Committee SBC - Senate Budget Committee SSCA = Senate Special Committee on Aging HWM = House Ways & Means Committee HCP - House Committee on Appropriations
CRS = Congressional Research Service SST - House Committee on Science, Space and Technology SCST - Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee SAPP - Senate Appropriations Committee
HSBC = House Small Business Committee SSBE - Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee HEC - House Energy & Commerce Committee
HEDFG - House Committee on Economic Disparity & Fairness in Growth HAC - House Appropriations Committee CHA - Committee on House Administration
JEC - Joint Economic Committee JCT = Joint Committee on Taxation CBO = Congressional Budget Office OGR - House Committee on Oversight and Gov't Reform
HJC = House Judiciary Committee SHELP = Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions HCEW - House Committee on Education and the Workforce
PSI - Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations HCOB - House Committee on the Budget HTIC - House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
SENR - Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources SBHUA - Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
This page last revised on December 6, 2024 Professor Annette Nellen
Last Modified: Dec 6, 2024