ScWk 242 Research Methods, Data Analysis & Evaluation

Time: Section 3: Friday 1:30-4:15
Section 4: Friday 9-11:45

Location: Seciton 3: BBC 126
Section 4: SH 242


Catalog Description
Basic concepts and models for research methodology applied to the analysis of data in social work. Emphasis on quantitative analysis, using statistics software. Qualitative research is also incorporated. (3 units. Prerequisite: ScWk 240.)

Course Description
ScWk 242 is the second course in the graduate research sequence. It provides students with the opportunity to apply concepts and skills for conducting research that were introduced last semester, and it continues preparing them to build knowledge in the profession of social work, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The course builds on the first semester by engaging students in the selection and implementation of appropriate methodology and statistical tools for the analysis of data. These concepts and skills are applied to the further development of a research proposal, for which students laid the conceptual foundations in the ScWk 240 course. Students also apply these concepts and skills to the critical assessment of social work research on Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and other diverse and oppressed populations. ScWk 242 concludes the first-year core research curriculum, which provides the conceptual knowledge and skills for the Master of Social Work Special Project (ScWk 298). ScWk 242 presupposes a foundational knowledge of basic research design concepts, including qualitative research, sampling methodology, models for group comparisons, single-system methodology, as well as basic computer literacy (especially of graphical user interfaces). Prerequisite: ScWk 240 or equivalent.

Course Documents
