San José State University
Department of Economics
Thayer Watkins
Silicon Valley
& Tornado Alley
The Economic History of the United States
Slavery &
Civil War
Health Care
The Catastrophic Collapse of Private Investment in Plant and Equipment 2008-2009
The Contrived Nature of the Current Recession
The Employment Recession
A Statistical Review of Current Economic Conditions (October 2009)
U.S. Economic Recovery and Resurgence from
the Recession of 2001-2002
Economic Histories of American Cities
Economic Histories of the Colonial Period
Economic History of the U.S. in Revolutionary Times and the Early 19th Century
The Economics of Slavery and the Civil War Period
Economic History of Depressions in the U.S.
Economic History of Recessions in the U.S.
The Regional Development Policies
and Programs of the U.S.
The Collapse of the Savings & Loan Associations
Economic History of New England
Economic History of the Radio Industry
The Real Deficit of the Government
Onions and Futures Markets
The Origins of the Cowboy Culture
Political Bosses and Machines
The Concorde Supersonic Transport
The Origin of Thanksgiving
The Development of the Personal Computer
The History of the Transistor
The Expedition of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca's Travels in North America 1528 to 1536
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca's Travels in South America 1540 to 1545
The De Soto Expedition to the Southeast
Economic Histories of American Cities
Economic History of San Jose
Economic History of Boston
Economic History of Pittsburgh
Economic History of Philadelphia
Economic History of Detroit
Economic History of Chicago
Economic History of St. Louis
Economic History of Seattle
Economic History of the Colonial Period
Economic History of Plymouth Plantation
The Origin of Thanksgiving
Adam Smith on the British North American Colonies
Early Economic History of Maryland
Economic History of the Middle Colonies
The Early Days of the New England Colonies
The Early Days of the Virginia Colony
The Colonial Tobacco Industry
Colonial Tax Burdens
Colonial Economies in 1720
Labor in the Colonies c. 1770
Colonial Economies in 1763
The Invention of the Cotton Gin
Economic History of the U.S.
in Revolutionary Times and
the Early 19th Century
The U.S. Economy in 1790
The Depression of 1807
The Bank of the United States
Land Speculation in the U.S. in the 1830's
Andrew Jackson's Species Circular of 1837
The Depression of 1837
The Economics of Slavery and the
Economic History of the Civil War in the U.S.
The Cost of the Civil War
Fogel and Engerman on the Economics of Slavery
The Diary of a Louisiana Slave Owner
Bennet H. Barrow's Rules for Plantation Slave Management
Economic History of Liberia
African Resettlement Schemes for Freed Slaves
Economic History of Depressions in the U.S.
The Depression of 1807
The Depression of 1837
The Depression of 1873
The Depression of 1893
The Depression of 1929-1939
The Money Supply During
the Period 1927 to 1942
The Causes of the Depression of the 1930s
Economic History of Recessions in the U.S.
The Recession of 1974-75
The Recession of 1980-82
The Recession of 2001
The Recession of 2008
Episodes of Financial Crisis
The Collapse of the Savings and Loan Associations
The Money Supply and Banking System Before and During the Great Depression
Portfolio Insurance and the Stock Market Collapse of October 1987
The Origin and Nature of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
The Financial Crisis of September 2008
Episodes of High Inflation
Inflation in the 1970's and Early 1980's
The Employment Recession of 2008-2009
The Tennessee Valley Authority
The Tennessee Tombigbee Water Project
The Old River Control Structure
The Columbia River Valley
The Missouri-Ohio-Mississippi Rivers
Regional Development Policies
Politics and Global Warming
Medical Costs and the Medical Cartel
Meaningful Healthcare Reform Would Start with Training Twice as Many Physicians
The Social Costs of the Medical Cartel
The AMA and Price Discrimination
The AMA and Prepaid Medical Plans
The Effects of Group Payment versus Individual
Payment on Demand and Price for Competitive and Monopolistic Markets
Michael Shadid and Cooperative Medical Care
For the economic histories of other countries click here
Thayer Watkins