
College and University Resources

Faculty Resources page provides quick links to important College and University resources related to RSCA and Teaching. 

Use SJSU library resources to support RSCA

Dr. Martin Luther King library has resources that support faculty RSCA activities, such as subject librarians, ScholarWorks for RSCA dissemination, and research software (e.g. SPSS) tutorials.

Share and disseminate RSCA

In addition to make submissions for journals and conferences, faculty can share their RSCA via SJSU ScholarWorks, which is a digital repository of the research, scholarship, and creative works of San José State University faculty, students, and staff.

The SJSU library also has helpful recorded workshop and webinars about Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity (RSCA) Impact.

You may also consider using JANE (Journal/Author Name Estimator) to identify journals to submit your manuscripts to.

Social Sciences Index (SSCI)

The Social Sciences Index (SSCI) is a useful source for faculty to identify journals in their respective disciplines. Here are some basic steps to access SSCI:

  1. Go to “W” under the alphabetic list of SJSU Library Databases
  2. Click on Web of Science (and Journal Citation Reports)
  3. Once logged in the database, click on “Journal Citation Reports” on the top of page
  4. Select “JCR Social Sciences Edition” and “”View a group of journals by   Subject Category”
  5. Follow the search instructions to select  the subject/discipline to view the journals indexed by SSCI in that subject area/discipline - the journals can be viewed by title, impact factor and other indicators.

Get Training for RSCA

Below you'll find resources related to intensive trainings held in summer, on-line trainings, and research guidelines.

Summer Research Training

ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. A comprehensive selection of 2-day to 4-week courses in statistics, data analysis, methodology, and research design.

Online Resources

Intro to R. A series of 21 2 minute videos introducing R, free statistical analysis software.

Help with statistical analysis. Information on statistical analysis from UCLA's Academic Technology Services.

Which Stats Test. Provided by SAGE Research Methods to help pick the right statistical test to use  

Methodspace. An informative research methods blog hosted by SAGE Publishing.

e-Source. Sponsored by the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research at NIH with contributions from a team of international experts, this website provides “the latest information on addressing emerging challenges in public health.”

NSF Guide for Proposal Writing

Resources on Academic Scholarship and Productivity

Online Survey Service Qualtrics

SJSU has a site license - please see below a few documents to help you learn more about the various services Qualtrics offers.

Research tools available at SJSU