Newsletters and Resources
SJSU ERFA publishes a newsletter quarterly. David Mesher is the layout and design
artist and Nancie Fimbel is our editor. Below you can access recent newsletters.
If you have an article or chat room item, please email it to Nancie Fimbel at
Newsletters from 2009 to present are archived at
- Applying for Emeritus Status
- SJSU Library Emeritus Faculty Services
- SJSU Academic Senate
- SJSU Alumni Association
- California State University
- CSU Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association (CSU-ERFSA)
- California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS)
- California Faculty Association (CFA)
- California State Employee Association (CSEA
- Retired Public Employees Association of CA (RPEA)
- AROHE (Assoc of Retired Organizations in Higher Educ)
- Social Security Online
- Medicare
- American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
- Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel
- Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion