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Library Project, Page 7

Using Google Scholar

As you probably already know, there is a lot of questionable information on the Internet. Google has been trying to help researchers by creating a search engine called Google Scholar, which concentrates on articles in reputable periodicals. You can access this resource by clicking on the blue mortarboard hat on your Google toolbar. I entered “Kayapo” in the search box and found an article by Terry Turner on the “Kayapo Appropriation of Video.” It looks good, but I cannot access it directly through Google Scholar, since it is on JSTOR. So, I fill out a data collection sheet and go to the King Library's electronic database to download the information.

Notice that before many entries in Google Scholar, it says [book] or [citation]. It may also say "books.google.com" at the end of a second line in an entry. I found an article called “The Sacred as Alienated Social Consciousness: Ritual and Cosmology Among the Kayapo” by Terry Turner and clicked on it. It took me to Google books where I could read a few pages of this article in a book called Native Religions and Cultures of South America. It is fascinating, so I click on “About this book,” and it takes me to a page that tells me where I can buy this book or find it in a library. It turns out that we have it in the King Library on the 6th floor, and it even gives me the call number!

Proceed to page 8.

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