Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's study

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson


PREVIOUS In the case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the two sides of the doppelganger are created out of curiousity on Jekyll's part. While Jekyll may have not originally been a mask for Hyde, he does end up becoming a hollow shell used to hide the darker side. Being like Rosario and Lucifer, Jekyll also adds to the idea of the light side of the doppelganger set, and what he adds is rationality that is contrasted against the violence exhibited by Hyde. This violence furthers the picture of the dark side when it escalates into the muder of Sir Danvers Carew. Hyde in fact becomes so powerful that he begins to take over, forcing the change between the two without the potion, until Jekyll is left with no other recourse but death. NEXT

list of interactive objects - beakers, light window, bloody cane, dark window

Created November 13th 2006, Meagan Lillich