Lucifer and Satan's Room
The Monk by Matthew Lewis
PREVIOUS When the source of evil in the story first appears, he presents himself as a beautiful fallen angel Lucifer, submissive to Matilda. Lucifer carries the same aura that Rosario has, but adds to it a sense of false good when he offers his services to help Matilda and Ambrosio. However, just like the cold fire that accompanies his appearance, Lucifer, like Rosario, is merely a shadow character used to hide his true self and to gain Ambrosio's trust for a later fall. When he appears again to Ambrosio he is a monsterous demon Satan, who controls the situtation and has the power of life or death for Ambrosio. He also is depicted as evil and corrupt, adding that evil to the image of the dark doppelganger. NEXT
list of interactive objects - cold blue fire, lucifer, satan, contract and lead pencil
Created November 13th 2006, Meagan Lillich