Turnitin Information
Class ID: 2173939
PW: technorom
Reading Responses &
Reflective Blogs
Over the semester, you will
produce various types of weekly response: some prepared outside of
class and others prepared in class. For Reading Responses, you will
produce a 1-2 page response (a minimum of 300 words) to the assigned
reading for that week. These will be used to stimulate your thoughts
on the texts and to serve as ideas for your essays. Because these
Reading Responses pertain to that week�s readings and are not useful
after the discussion has been completed, late Reading Responses will
not be accepted. For the first few Reading Responses, bring a
printed copy to class. After we have set up our online Google space,
post your Reading Responses to the appropriate Group Forum by 3pm.
Every two weeks, we will work on
our Digital Projects in a computer lab. At the conclusion of that
Digital Session, you will write a 300-word blog entry that will act
as a journal of your experiences. Questions will direct this
Each Reading Response and
Reflective Blog is worth 8 points (total of 13). Students who write
nothing or who write frivolously will not receive credit for the
Oral Presentation on The
Last Man
Instructions (pdf)
Schedule of Presentations
For this Presentation, each student will research the production,
illustrations, reviews, etc. of The Last Man and present
those findings on an assigned day as well as lead a discussion. See
detailed instructions above.
Digital Project Overview, Assignments
Digital Project Overview:
General Instructions (pdf)
See below for
Final Project Instructions
Because this course is
premised on producing a (Post) Postmodern edition of Mary Shelley�s
Frankenstein, each student will be responsible for annotating
1-2 chapters of the 1818 text. Traditional editing of this type
requires much collaboration, editing and researching. We�ll do all
of this; however, we�ll perform this in a digital environment. We
will spend multiple days in a computer lab working on this Digital
Project and learning Google Docs, our online platform. Each Digital
Session is preceded by discussion days as well as nine
mini-essays/assignments spread throughout the semester. As
instructions are distributed for each assignment, they will be added
here and in the online Schedule.
Detailed instructions will be provided
at a later date. Essay lengths range from 300 to 1000 words and will
receive up to 11 points each. After submitting the essay for
comments, you will integrate the assignment into your Digital
Project. My comments are intended to help you revise the mini-essays
for the final submission.
The assignments that are written
essays will be submitted to for verification.
Timeline: Literary
Historical Research (Due 2/7)
Library List,
Special Collections List &
Student Years (pdf)
View the web version of Timeline
This assignment requires students to amass information about
his/her four years during 1780-1840 � our long version of the
Romantic Era. Students will use various types of resources to
complete a timeline. On the due date, each student will add
his/her findings to a single, collaborative timeline. In
addition, each student will submit an electronic version of
his/her individual timeline for assessment. My comments will be
returned and intended to help students continue to add further
to this timeline. Because we will collaborate on this timeline
throughout the semester, students will be able to add to any
section. Students will also be able to link from their chapters
to this timeline for any relevant references.
2. Delicious Links Essay
(Due 2/21)
Instructions (pdf)
View the web version of this list of Online Resources
Students will create a list of
favorite URLs that address particular themes of the class,
including, sublime, landscape, monsters, science, technology,
etc. Each resource will be assessed in 20-50 words. We will create a collaborative document
in Google Docs.
3. Explication of a Poem
(Due 3/6)
Instructions (pdf)A poetry explication is a
relatively short analysis which describes the possible meanings
and relationships of the words, images, and other small units
that make up a poem. Writing an explication is an effective way
for a reader to connect a poem's plot and conflicts with its
structural features. Shelley�s Frankenstein relies upon,
even references, several Romantic-era poems. For this
assignment, each student will choose a Romantic-era poem that has not been
discussed in class and that is relevant to his/her
chapters/letters. Use the Mellor/Matlak anthology or the
Texts (in the Online Schedule) to choose your poem.
You may not use a poem that has been (or will be) discussed in class. See the
instructions above. (Turnitin
submission). Check individual
student projects to view the integration of this assignment
into their web pages.
Analysis of a Minor
Character (Due 3/20)
Instructions (pdf)
View the web version of these analysesA character analysis allows for
an in-depth critique of a minor character from Frankenstein.
This analysis will then be added to your web pages of
chapters/letters and linked. (Turnitin
5. Investigating Mary Shelley�s
Manuscripts, Journals & Letters
(Due 3/20)
Instructions (pdf)Mary Shelley�s manuscripts,
journals and letters have been reproduced in printed facsimile,
many of which our library owns. In this assignment, students
will read through these resources to make connections with their
own chapters/letters. Check individual
student projects to view the integration of this assignment
into their web pages.
6. Review of Reviews
(Due 4/1)
Instructions (pdf)
Reception of a novel is almost
as important as our classroom discussions. In this assignment,
students will analyze several reviews about Frankenstein,
writing a review of the reviews. This assignment, too, will be
added to the web pages of chapters/letters and linked. (Turnitin
(Due 4/8)
Instructions (pdf) -- revised 4/7/08
As we have begun to discover,
Frankenstein was borrowed, translated, adapted, parodied
and copied throughout the nineteenth century. We�ll take this
idea further afield. In this assignment, students will present
on an adaptation of Frankenstein in any media form
(movies, comics, graphic novels, fiction, drama and more). The
adaptation may come from the nineteenth or twentieth century. On
the due date, students will provide clips or snippets to the
class and discuss this adaptation in addition to adding it to
the web pages of chapters/letters.
Keepsake Authors
Mystery (Due 4/10)
Instructions (pdf)
The Keepsake is a
literary annual, one of those nineteenth-century publications
that was part of popular culture. However, rather than being
identified, many authors requested that they be labeled "the
author of....." For this assignment, each student will
solve the mystery of authorship by using various resources to
discover the identity of one author. This will be added to your Frankenstein web
pages and linked. See detailed instructions above. (Turnitin
9. Peer Review
(Due 4/22)
The reason for creating web
pages of this Frankenstein project is to allow others to
see your work. Eventually, all student pages will be linked to
each other. For this assignment, write a critique of two other
student pages. Both of these critiques will be posted to the
Discussion in Google Groups. The recipient of the critique will
read through the critiques and revise according to these
Final Project:
Frankenstein Digital Edition
The Final Project is
a culmination of all of the mini-assignments plus further work on
your part. At the Final Exam meeting day, you will present your Final Project
to the class: a digital edition of chapters from Frankenstein,
complete with a Rationale. The Rationale will synthesize not only your scholarly
adventures but also the theoretical and critical reasonings
associated with your Digital Project. Your Reading Responses and
Reflective Blog entries can help you with this Rationale. You must
present in order to receive a grade for this project. Detailed
instructions will be provided at a later date. Below are general
instructions about choosing your text and constructing your website
using Google's Page Creator. We will have a Digital Session
dedicated specifically to web design.
Part I. Choosing Chapters & Cutting/Pasting Text
Mary Shelley originally published this novel anonymously in
1818. The 1818 version was re-printed in 1823 with Mary
Shelley�s name added to the title page. In 1831, Shelley
published a revised version that differs substantially from the
1818 version. Because the 1818 version offers an un-revised
version of her story, it is often the most taught. Indeed, our
Longman edition is from the 1818 version. For this reason, it�s
imperative that we use the 1818 version in our annotated
version. We�ll rely on the transcription created by Stuart
Curran, University of Pennsylvania, in his extensive
Frankenstein website, complete with images, maps, contextual
materials and more:
The text of both the 1818 and
1831 editions are on this site, but in pieces. When you finally
decide on your two chapters/letters, begin cutting and pasting
your chapters from this Website into a Word document and
checking the text against your Longman edition. We�ll transfer
this text to your website during a digital session.
Chapter Assignments & Students --
see here
Part II. Creating & Naming Your Frankenstein Website
See instructions & requirements for your websiteAs we go through the semester,
we�ll continuously add elements to your web versions of the
Frankenstein chapters. This means that some of you will
become webmasters for the first time. When creating websites, we
always have to keep in mind the critical value of our
technological tools. In other words, just because something is
"cool" doesn�t mean that it belongs on your website. The design
(colors, graphics, fonts) must have a purpose, and the
navigation must be intuitive. We�ll discuss good design
practices in a Digital Session.
Part III. The Rationale
This final essay (1200 words) acts as both an introduction to
your Frankenstein web pages and provides the reasons
behind your design decisions. The Rationale will also synthesize
the theoretical and critical reasonings associated with your
Digital Project. This is also an essay in which you analyze your
use of various themes that have been discussed in class. In
other words, this is not simply a narrative about your actions,
it is also an intellectual analysis about the Romantic Era. Your
weekly Reading Responses and Reflective Blog posts will be the
basis for this essay. The Rationale should be integrated into
your website as the introductory page. For an example of a
Rationale, see here:
Part IV. The Final Presentation
During the final exam meeting
(May 19th, 2:45-5pm), each student will present
his/her Digital Project to the class. Since everything will be
available online, submission of a CD-Rom or other media is
unnecessary. In order to receive a grade on this final project,
you must present.
Part V. Grading the Final Project
The Final Digital Project is a
completely separate grade from all of the mini-assignments and
will be assessed on several aspects: writing abilities (clarity,
depth, etc.), design elements, navigation, integration among
pages (linking) and creativity.