Maffini, Cara S
Associate Professor
Child & Adolescent Development
Lurie College of Education
Preferred: (408) 924-3629
Office Hours
By Appointment
- Doctor of Philosophy, Counseling Psychology, Indiana University Bloomington, 2014
- Master of Arts, Psychology, CSU Sacramento, 2009
- Bachelor of Science, Psychology with an emphasis in Biology, UC Davis, 2006
- Bachelor of Arts, Dramatic Art with an emphasis in Dance, UC Davis, 2006
Cara S. Maffini is an Associate Professor in the Department of Child & Adolescent Development. She earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington. Her research encompasses intersections of culture, mental health, and trauma particularly among adolescents and emerging adults with a focus on underserved populations. She has three main lines of research: (a) understanding psychosocial, cultural, and developmental protective and risk factors associated with trauma (e.g., violence, victimization, and campus safety); (b) examining refugee experiences and intergenerational transmission of trauma; and (c) examining bicultural and biracial experiences and identity development. Grounded in her training in counseling psychology, her research serves to inform campus and community-based intervention and prevention programs.