Research & Scholarly Activity

Research & Scholarly Activity

  • The impact of clinical simulation on critical thinking in nursing students
    California Institute for Nursing and Healthcare
    California Institute for Nursing and Healthcare, 2008-2010


    This study examines the effect of high-fidelity clinical simulation on critical thinking outcomes in undergraduate nursing students.

  • Mannequins and Avatars: Bridging the clinical skills gap with innovative nursing simulations
    CASA Research Incentive Grant


    The purpose of this two-phase pilot project specifically addresses students’ readiness to safely perform in the acute care setting.  The project will incorporate innovative teaching strategies into NURS53. After an initial planning phase, we will implement a course revision that will address the following specific aims: 

    1.      How does the integration of virtual world technology and low fidelity simulation contribute to students’ knowledge and skill to perform basic nursing skills?

    2.      What are students’ perception of the innovative teaching strategies?

    3.      How does the integrated use of virtual world technology and low fidelity simulation contribute to the students’ self-efficacy and readiness in performing basic nursing skills?


  • Pilot testing clinical scenarios in BSN and graduate nursing students


    This ongoing study examines the learning outcomes in undergraduate BSN students as a result of participation in faculty-guided simulation and reflection experiences.